Wireless Transmission of Power now possible

由Thomas W. Benson为电气实验者,1920年3月


通过一个大胆的中风,英国天才,John Hettinger先生,对其实现的方式造成了越来越多的方式。像众多其他发明一样,方式躺在我们的眼睛前,但我们都太过了,看看它。


It is a well-known fact that an ionized gas is a conductor; in fact, the conductivity of a gas is a measure of its ionization. Furthermore, it is possible to ionize a gas by means of a stream of ultra violet rays. Working with these facts, Mr. Hettinger devised means to utilize them for radio transmission in the following manner.


These rays result in an ionized stream of air that acts as a conductor, the surrounding un-ionized air being practically a perfect insulator. By making connection to this conducting beam with a metallic screen or mesh at B, it can be utilized as an aerial for radio communication.

We are perfectly aware that this ionized beam rapidly loses its conducting power as the distance from the source increases, therefore the effective height of such an arrangement is determined by the intensity of the ray generator. So much for the idea as applied to radio communication.


It will now be apparent that a very good condition exists for the transmission of energy without wires. As shown in Fig. 2, we have the earth, a good conductor, surrounded with a blanket of insulating air about ten miles thick, beyond which, up to about a hundred miles, the air is highly rarefied and kept in a state of ionization by light from the sun and stars.

Hence, we have two good conductors separated by several miles of atmosphere, practically a perfect insulator, an ideal arrangement for our purposes. We have but to connect a source of current to the earth and to the ionized strata of air and energy can be transmitted entirely around the earth without wires. The energy could be utilized in any part of the earth by merely connecting to the pair of conductors.



In Fig. 2 the writer attempts to portray a generating station embodying these principles. In the main building will be housed the generating units for supplying the current to the arc and the primary of the high voltage apparatus for transmission of energy. Supported on the roof of this structure will be a monstrous arc lamp capable of throwing a stream of ultra violet rays for at least ten miles. In this beam is supported a conducting screen to make connection to the conducting stream of ionized air. The insulation of these parts present no great difficulties to modern engineering.









And so on – conjuncture in without bounds, but the scheme is practical to all appearances; it requires but some financial genius to give it a trial.

And to think it all was within reach such a short time ago! Had Tesla but put a gigantic arc on top of the tower of his experimental station in Long Island accurate data would be at hand now – were it but even a promise it would mean another step towards the final mastery of all matter by man.