natural gas


2017年,调查发现,大约47%的美国家庭使用天然气作为他们的main heating fuel。只有36%的家庭依靠电力供暖。



Cooking with Natural Gas Appliances


Chefs often prefer gas ranges because the temperature control is better and they come up to temperature much quicker.


Gas Powered Water Heater

Homes that have natural gas already plumbed into their home often also have a gas powered water heater.


Beware! Installation of a natural gas water heater is not easy. Instead of attempting a DIY job and risking damaging your home or injuring someone, call a professional.

Quality Plumbing and Gas is a very well reviewed company who know a lot about installing gas powered water heaters. You can request their services by calling them or by going to their website


Chances are, you didn’t know that some clothing dryers use natural gas to heat the air. It’s true!

Not only are gas dryers twice as efficient as electric ones, but they also dry faster! You fill gas dryers a bit less so there is more dry air flowing through the garments, cutting out much of the drying time that an electric model can offer.


What Is Natural Gas Used for in the Bathroom?

Ok, so it’s not natural gas in the same form that you use in your stove, but some products have ingredients which came from natural gas.


Even some personal and household cleaners include ingredients derived from natural gas!



It’s shocking to learn how many things in your home use natural gas. The versatility is astounding!


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