木头fuel is considered a solid fuel biomass.生物质能量来自有机材料,是可再生和可持续的能源来源可用于创造电力并提供其他形式的电力。
- 使用木材作为替代能源需要最小的投资,并不像其他替代能源那样间歇性,这意味着它可以在一天中的所有时间使用。
- 通常不需要备份能量来维持力量
- Using wood as a fuel source tethers the homeowner to the home. The fire must be monitored and fed regularly to keep it from going out
- Plumbing and pipes can still freeze in lower temperatures because not enough heat is being generated to provide a sufficient enough heat source
- Cutting and hauling the wood can be hard work and is extremely time-consuming. The wood also requires several months of seasoning in a dry location to allow the maximum amount of heat retention
- 如果房主无法进入树木繁茂的地区,费用可以很高,他们可以随时可用
Active solar energy applications include solar panels and太阳能热收集器他们的目标是提高家庭中的能量供应。被动太阳能应用减少了利用其他能源和消费的需要。被动太阳能可以在家庭的照明和建筑中找到。
- 太阳能是一种环保的,提供干净,可再生能源
- 太阳能在长期营养中节省了金钱,在家里雇用时可以被视为良好的投资。它还可以提高房屋物业价值,为潜在买家提供伟大的卖点
- 帮助结束二氧化碳污染。太阳能不会产生污染或排放,沉默。它没有碳足迹
- Solar panels can be installed on the roof and have the capacity to power remote areas
- 维护相对较低,因为没有移动部件,面板可以持续二十左右。他们只需要一年几次清洁
- Since solar energy comes from the light and heat from the sun, it is not available at night. You must rely on the conserved energy from the day which means you need to have a good storage solution and power conservation in place
- 安装太阳能电池板的前期成本可能更高。您的家必须安装并准备使用太阳能电池板
- The batteries used to store the power during the day can be large, heavy, and expensive. You need to have the space to store them and may need to replace them when needed
风power can create some noise, but it is a neat and clean way to produce power.The turbines然而,需要稳定的风,工作。有时,风电需要风和其他替代能源的组合,例如太阳能电池板,以平衡风能的生产中的峰值。
风energy is an alternative to fossil fuel generated electricity and requires turbines. The designs usually include two or three blades. Wind energy can also be used to power water pumps. Pneumatic water pumps use air pressure to move the water from the source to the tank.
- 风能不会引起污染,不需要使用任何有害或有害化学品或材料来运行
- It is a renewable source of energy that will never be depleted and wind is free to use
- 如果房主利用风能并安装风力涡轮机,可以使用国家和联邦税收激励措施
- Can be used almost anywhere
- 风在许多领域通常不可靠而且不一致
- 风turbines are known to produce noise and take up a lot of room
- 必须务必遵守您所在地区的涡轮机的条例和高度限制
- Startup costs and equipment and the overall initial investment is costly, and the availability of the materials may be limited
- 没有障碍物 - 土地必须是开放的,没有树木
Hydropower is a potentially year-round and a 24-hour-a-day energy source. Micro-hydro is typically used for a homestead, but there needs to be a consistent flowing stream to work. Hydropower requires a water source that is in close proximity to the home and has a strong current. The water must be deep enough and fast enough that it will not freeze at lower temperatures.
- 水力发电是一种清洁和国内能源,不会导致任何污染
- 与化石燃料相比,它是一种可再生能源和更可靠,更可靠的能力
- 可以在任何紧急情况下提供备用电源
- 获得防洪,灌溉和可靠供水的好处
- There are high investment and starting costs involved when it comes to purchasing the equipment that is required
- 必须有一个靠近家庭的移动水源
- 水电的数量取决于水的流动。在一年中的某些时候,水的流动可能会变得略微不可靠
- 与梅相关的额外成本ntenance and replacement of the equipment
As technology advances, we see improvements in the way that we develop and use alternative energy sources. We are quickly shying away from the dependence we have on fossil fuels while decreasing pollution and the overall carbon footprint we are leaving on the environment.