In 1994, R. Sundaresan and J.Bockris (Texas A&M) reported that they had observed “Anomalous Reactions During Arcing Between Carbon Rods In Water:
“Spectroscopically pure carbon rods were subjected to a carbon arc in highly purified water. The arc current varied from 20 to 25 A and was passed intermittently for several hours. The original carbon contained ~ 2 ppm Fe. The C rods remained cool to the touch at >2 cm from their tips. Absorption of iron from water or the surrounding atmosphere was established as not being the cause of the increase of iron. There is a weak correlation between the iron formed and the time of passage of current.
“When dissolved O2was replaced by N2in the solution, no iron was formed. Hence, the mechanism
铁是由这样的转变stainless. It does not rust easily. It has also much less reaction to heat than ordinary iron, due to its composition of 2 Si (silicon) atoms. This iron was name G.O.S. (George Ohsawa Steel), given the initials of George Ohsawa by the scientists who worked with this transmutation. All results of the transmutation of Fe have been carefully examined and analyzed by several methods including: magnetic inspection, spectroscopic analysis, chemical analysis, and examination by reagent, confirmed by authoritative testing agencies.
Also in 1994, another group of researchers (M. Singh, et al.) at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (Bombay) reported their “Verification of the G. Ohsawa Experiment for Anomalous Production of Iron from Carbon Arc in Water:
“直接电流在超纯石墨电极之间运行1-20小时。通过传统的光谱法分析在水槽底部收集的石墨残基来分析Fe含量...... Fe含量相当高,取决于电弧的持续时间......结果表明Fe含量的大变化(50至2000ppm)在C残留物中。在第二系列实验中......与完全覆盖的水槽,碳残留物中的Fe量明显下降(20-100ppm)。这里,残留物中的铁浓度也存在大的变化,尽管在相同的条件下进行实验。Fe是否真的通过C乔治ohsawa所建议的c和o通过嬗变合成,或者通过其他一些现象集中到不同程度,目前尚不清楚。C残基中的Fe也通过质谱分析了各种同位素的丰度......除Fe中,还在C残基中确定了Si,Ni,Al和Cr等其他元素的存在,发现了它们的浓度的变异跟随与Fe的模式相同。“
Anomalies of Generated Molecules
Santilli’s main hypothesis for the resulting gases anomalies is that, at the time of their formation under an electric arc, gases H2, CO, CO2, O2, etc. do not have a conventional structure because the orbits of their valence electrons, and maybe also their necleus shells are mostly polarized in a plane due to the very intense magnetic field surrounding the electric arc (of the order of 10 Tesla or more). In turn, such a polarization implies the creation of strong magnetic moments, resulting in new magnetic bonds constituting magnecules.
The experimental verification of the fuel gas requires the detection of a number of anomalies that can be summarized as follows. All these anomalies have been experimentally verified.
Anomaly 1: Appearance of unexpected heavy MS peaks.
Fuel gas molecules, referred as magnecules are generally heavier than the heaviest molecule in a given gas. Peaks in the GC-MS are therefore expected in macroscopic percentages with molecular weights bigger than the heaviest molecule. These heavy composites should not provide MS peaks according to quantum chemistry, thus constituting an anomaly. As an example, by ignoring heavy compounds in parts per million [ppm], MagnegasesTMshould have no large peak in the GC-MS with more than the CO2molecular weight of 44 a.m.u. The existence of heavier large peaks would establish this first anomaly.
To provide the initial premises for magnecules, the peaks of Anomaly 1 should result in “unknown” in the search by the GC-MS computer in its memory banks of conventional molecules, usually including about 150,000 molecules.
Another necessary condition to have magnecules is that the “unknown” peaks of Anomaly 1 should have no infrared signature at all. According to established evidence, all gases with a valence bond must have a well defined infrared signature [with a few exceptions of spherically symmetric molecules, such as hydrogen]. In the event the peaks of Anomaly 1 do have an infrared signature, they can be constituted by new yet conventional molecules not identified before. The only infrared signatures of any given gas magnecule should be those of the conventional molecules and atoms constituting the cluster itself. As an illustration, the only admissible infrared signatures of magnecule {O2}x{O2} are those of the conventional molecules O-O and C-O.
Anomaly 4: Mutation of conventional IR signatures.
The infrared signatures of the molecules constituting a magnecules are expected to be mutated, in the sense that the shape of their peaks is not the established one. This is another anomaly of magnecules expected from the polarization of the orbits of the valence and other electrons. In fact, this polarization implies space distributions of the orbitals different than the conventional ones, thus resulting in a deformation of the shape of the IR peaks. Moreover, the same polarizations are expected to create additional strong bonds within a conventional molecule, that are expected to appear as new IR peaks. Still in turn, such an internal mutations of conventional molecules have far reaching scientific and technological implications, as will be shown.
While molecules preserve their structure at conventional temperatures and pressures, this is not the case for magnecules, that are expected to mutate in time, that is, to change the shape of the MS peaks due to change in their constituents. Since we are referring to gases whose constituents notoriously collide, magnecules can break-down into parts during collisions, which parts can then recombine with other magnecules to form new clusters. Alternatively, magnecules are expected to experience accretion [or emission] of polarized conventional atoms or molecules without necessarily breaking down into parts. It follows that the peaks of Anomaly 1 are not expected to remain the same over a sufficient period of time for the same gas under the same conditions.
Anomaly 6: Mutated physical characteristics.
Anomaly 8: Increased penetration through substances.
Magnetically polarized gases are expected to have thermochemical reactions with macroscopic increases of energy releases, as compared to the same reactions among unpolarized gases, an expected anomaly that, alone, has large scientific and industrial significance.