T. H. Moray辐射能量管

Though it has received more attention in the press recently, the search for a free, renewable energy source is not a new endeavor. Dr T. Henry Moray pioneered this research all the way back in the early 1900s, when he designed an energy device to utilize the metafrequency oscillations of empty space.

在20世纪20年代和30多岁,Moray博士继续磨练他的后续发明,直到他最终制作了一种能够提供可测量的电力的设备。这Moray Radiant Energy Devicewas designed to capture zero point energy and convert it into electricity. It weighed sixty pounds and generated 50,000 watts of electricity over a span of several hours, and was proven in several tests. Witnesses – other scientists, physicists, and electrical engineers – signed statements to attest to the device’s efficacy.


Moray肯定在他的时间之后,他能用他的书展示的事实,这Sea of Energy地球漂浮。虽然通常认为晶体管阀门没有发明,但本书包括证明MURAIN在1925年首次开发了该设备的记录证据。他甚至于1931年7月13日提出了该设备的专利申请,但该专利从未提出过该设备的专利申请表被授予。有趣的是,众所周知的贝尔实验室晶体管几年后开发出来。

Though it was destroyed in the 1930s, it appears as though no one has ever re-invented Moray’s valve. Many speculations do exist, however, on how the device was constructed. One of the primary questions concerns Moray’s source of radiation, with granite, granite ball, and “Swedish stone” being amongst the suspected materials. Granite is suspected due to the fact that some forms include quartz, bismuth, Uranium and Germanium. Information in his book suggests Moray’s special tubes, which contained Gallium and other elements, were probably instrumental in achieving success with the device.


What we do know is that (according to his son) Dr. Moray paid over 8,000 dollars for each tube to be specially manufactured in Germany. That would have been an exorbitant sum of money in the 1920s. We also know that since the tubes lasted for years, the traces of radioactive materials inside could not have released their energy quickly. Other than these vague clues, the exact composition and operation ofMoray’s Radiant Energy Device仍然是这一天的谜,并且没有公开知道他的工作的复制。如果有人成功复制了该设备,它就会秘密发生。

More information:Moray阀门手稿.