Bert Schreiber的证词

On November 3, 1952, I made my usual checks at the desk in my office which was about 5 feet away from the window screens. No air conditioning at that time. I took out the calibration rod furnished, which has a small bit of a radioactive source, to check out the counter. I put the counter on the low setting and got ready to place the calibration rod near the “windows” of the counter, but the needle was way over on the scale and the audible signal was clicking like mad, or almost a continuous sound. A single radioactive particle made a single click.









当这些中子吸收,它们创建x射线检验oactive elements and it was those elements in the coral dust and sea water from the explosion which spread over the Pacific, hence made it “very dirty.” Not to mention the bomb components, building it was housed in, and everything else within range which vaporized and added to the total radioactivity. Now we go into the present when I went to Washington, D.C. in late March of 1992, in order to testify (and that is another long story) against the Superconducting Supercollider. I stayed in a hotel. One morning, I met a man in the lobby who wanted to know where to go eat breakfast since our hotel had no restaurant in it. I offered to take him to one. Over breakfast, I told him who I was and he told me who he was and that he worked for the Federal Government on designing nuclear weapons. I told him a shorter version of this long one and my suspicions. He, of course, fell back on National Security, secrecy, etc.; but he did say, rather obliquely, “We are doing better now,” (more helium created) or words to that effect.
