The complete list of Nikola Tesla’s patents
Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest inventors of this century. Below you will find the most complete set of Tesla’s Patents available to date. This list includes the US Patents, but also the UK and Canadian patents.
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Nikola Tesla patents: the USA
Nikola Tesla patents: the Great Britain
Patent | Date of Application | Patent Title |
1877 | February 9, 1886 | Improvements in electric lamps |
2975 | 3月ch 2, 1886 | Improvements in dynamo electric machines |
6481 | May 1, 1888 | Improvements relating to the electrical transmission of power and to apparatus therefor |
6502 | May 1, 1888 | Improvements relating to the generation and transmission of electrical currents and apparatus therefor |
6527 | April 16, 1889 | Improvements relating to electro-motors |
16709 | October 22, 1889 | Improvements relating to the conversion of alternating to direct electric currents |
19420 | December 3, 1889 | Improvements in alternating current electro-magnetic motors |
19426 | December 3, 1889 | Improvements in the construction and mode of operating alternating current motors |
8575 | May 19, 1891 | Improved methods of and apparatus for generating and utilizing electric energy for lighting purposes |
11473 | July 6, 1891 | Improvements in alternating current electro-magnetic motors |
2801 | February 8, 1894 | Improvements in reciprocating engines and means for regulating the period of the same |
2812 | February 8, 1894 | Improvements in methods of apparatus for the generation of electric currents of a defined period |
20981 | September 22, 1896 | Improvements to the production, regulation and utilization of electric currents of high frequency, and apparatus therefor |
24421 | October 21, 1897 | Improvements in systems for the transmission of electrical energy and apparatus for use therein |
12866 | June 8, 1898 | Improvements in Electrical Circuit Controllers |
26371 | December 13, 1898 | Improvements in the method of and apparatus for controlling the mechanism of floating vessels or moving vehicles |
14550 | August 14, 1900 | Improvements relating to the insulation of electric conductors |
11293 | June 1, 1901 | Improvements relating to the utilization of electromagnetic, light or other like radiations effects or disturbances transmitted through the natural media and to apparatus therefor |
13563 | July 3, 1901 | Improvements in, and relating to, the transmission of electrical energy |
14579 | July 17, 1901 | Improvements in and relating to the transmission of electrical energy |
8200 | April 17, 1905 | Improvements relating to the Transmission of Electrical Energy |
24001 | October 17, 1910 | Improved method of imparting energy to or deriving energy from a fluid and apparatus for use therein |
174544 | April 1, 1921 | Improvements in methods of and apparatus for the generation of power by elastic fluid turbines |
179043 | 3月ch 24, 1921 | Improved process and apparatus for production of high vacua |
185446 | April 1921, 1921 | Method of and apparatus for aerial transportation |
186082 | 3月ch 24, 1921 | Improvements in the construction of steam and gas turbines |
186083 | 3月ch 24, 1921 | Improved method of and apparatus for the economic transportation of energy of steam turbines |
186084 | 3月ch 24, 1921 | Improved process of and apparatus for deriving motive power from steam |
186799 | September 2, 1921 | Process for and apparatus for balancing rotating machine parts |
Nikola Tesla patents: Canada
Patent | Date of Application | Patent Title |
C24,033 | April 27, 1886 | Dynamo Electric Machine |
C29,537 | May 1, 1888 | Method & App. for the Electrical Transmission of Power |
C30,172 | May 1, 1888 | Method & App. for Converting & Distributing Electric Currents |
C33,317 | December 19. 1889 | Method & App. for Converting Alternating into Direct Currents |
C135,174 | August 22, 1911 | Fluid Propulsion |
C142,352 | August 13, 1912 | Electrical Energy Transmission |