Radio in the early years was called “wireless telegraphy.” Beginning around the year 1913, amateur wireless telegraph stations were set up in trees and on housetops. Aerials and masts dotted the countryside. It is estimated that there was almost “a quarter of a million stations.” They were used to send and receive wireless telegraph signals, not voice. Vacuum tubes were not yet widely known. These stations had to rely on spark gaps.
它是能量尖峰,或浪涌的火花隙发射器于1903年产生的首先捕获了T.H. Moray的注意力。1909年,Moray设计了一个电路,将从被认为穿过地面旅行的能量飙升的电路。到1910年秋天,他从地面获得足够的电能,以动力微型弧灯。在1911年的圣诞假期,他能够在其正常亮度的一半处为旧型16烛碳弧灯供电。
In 1912 while Henry Moray was on mission with the Mormon Church in Uppsala, Sweden, his passion for crystal radios got him started in his research in the science of radiant energy. Every spare moment he searched for a mineral that could work as a good radio detector. Moray had found two specimens that worked well as radio detectors. The material that he found in the hillside could have very well been a type ofArgenti-Zinciferrous-Galena。这种类型的Galena对无线电波非常敏感,这将使他的接收器能够在没有电池的情况下运行。我在这里的发现是基于Moray描述了他的综合图纳类型公式Electrotherapeutic Apparatus – U.S. Patent No. 2,460,707。这种材料只能使用从本地无线站传输的电力,以驱动小喇叭扬声器,因为他报道。
另一个探测器材料是他在位于瑞典阿波克索的铁路汽车中找到的白色,粉状,石状物质。1977年4月15日的最终报告的Hill Aircle Base,Ogden,Ogden,Page 4,2.2.2,Page 4,2.2.2,表明它含有少量的结晶硅酸盐,但主要是“fused silicate。” Silica is the chemical name for the simple oxide of silicon, silicon dioxide (SiO2). Mineralogists call this compound石英。这通常是其结晶形式的自然界。可能发现的海鳗是石英代理人状态。当结晶矿物导致由于放射性破坏而失去其晶体结构时,形成代表矿物质。它必须至少含有铀和钍或钍的杂质量。由于A衰变的辐射损坏,石英在其认可状态下,石英是或多或少的非晶态。“在数亿年的过程中,可能发生高达1019衰变/ g的衰减剂量,这可能导致石英结构的完全无色”(1)。Moray可能最终有什么人工willemite, by powdering his crystallized quartz and adding powdered zincite (ZnO) mineral to it, and then heat fusing them together. Artificial willemite is a white lumpy substance. Chemically, it is an anhydrous silicate of zinc, having the composition ZnO SiO2. When willemite is exposed to a preparation of radium, it fluoresces with a fine green glow. The luminosity produced by the proximity of even a small quantity of radium, such as one-thirteenth of a grain, is sufficient to enable the time to be read on a watch in total darkness. The luminosity of the artificial substance is, in some cases, superior to the natural mineral.
1928年11月11日联邦无线电委员会限制了从电报站传递的金额。由于这种海鳗的能量设备无法再产生高瓦数。他的设备取决于这些站,激发瑞典石头放弃了能量。必须拆除火花隙驱动电报站的分数,并有效地被拆除了死亡判决。这拼错了Moray。他的设备仍然会产生功率,但它产生的功率量被抑制。最初,Moray的设备依赖于电报站激发它产生电力。这迫使他找到另一种激发他的电路的方法。Moray可以利用自然背景无线电能,但不幸的是,结果是只产生非常低的功率。这种强迫海鳗开发更敏感的探测器材料。 It was not too long before he got the inspiration to add ionizing radioactive substances to it. This new detector was housed in a quartz tube in order to control its environment. This was done so that it would not oxidize. This line of research occurred shortly after the Radio Allocation Act of 1928 when Moray’s detectors were no longer able to generate steady power. His Radiant Energy circuitry could still produce power but it only did so in pulses. The power was not constant. The addition of radioactive impurities allowed the production of a steady flow of energy.