
如果你对回收利用能拯救地球抱有希望,你可能会震惊地发现这一点超过90%的塑料goes unrecycled. As much as green energy might seem ubiquitous, renewable energy slogans remind us that we have a long way to go. If you trace back your first awareness of energy issues on this planet, you can probably trace it back to a slogan.

Here is why we need to consider coming up with good slogans.




When we hear the right slogan, it works its way into our heads and we can’t help but repeat it. While federal tax credits are nice, they’re not as easy to recall or to remember as “give a hoot, don’t pollute”.



如果你想让你周围的人考虑可再生能源,试试下面这五个口号templates. 它们以非常简单的方式概括了大的想法。

1. There is No Planet B



The fact is that this is the only planet we have and it’s imperative that we treat every living creature, plant, animal, and microbe as if we couldn’t live without it. The fact might be that we can’t


There’s no doubt about it. The renewable energy movement is a revolution in a number of ways. We’re revolutionizing how we create energy, how we store it, and how we reuse it.

If you’re the first person on your block to install a solar panel, you’ll be seen ass a revolutionary. Companies are starting to commit to getting rid of plastic straws, charging for plastic bags, and are giving back to the environment. Even if they don’t exactly scream of having revolutionary values, they’re doing the right thing.



We all know the common phrase stating that “money doesn’t grow on trees.” However, when considering what we’re going to do about the future of our planet, we need to realize that the inverse is true. We can’t buy our way into another environment.


It’s good to remind people of that.

4. The Future Will Be Green Or Not At All







While it might seem that the same old renewable energy slogans might not be as important as they once were, most are still relevant. Even as we’ve moved away from wood stoves and gas-guzzling cars, we still have too many people using wood pellets and commuting alone in their car. If we’re not finding renewable solutions for all of these things, we do so at our own peril.

If you’re looking for some tips on how you can live a more eco-friendly life,看看我们的导游在这里。