The Solid State K-capture Generator is a computer controlled system that utilizes the “K-Capture” principle to create electrical energy.
已知K-Capture戒除了巨大的能量,但没有人发现了一种控制能量的方法。K-Capture Generator对此作出,并且可能被证明是发现最伟大的能量之一。
一个单元测量大约2'x 2'x 6',但在将组件零件装配在一起时,也可以通过使用不同的配置来进行更小。
The numbers of molecules at lower 1evels build up rapidly, eventually exceeding those at upper levels and terminating the amplification.
No laser mirrors are needed, the optical gain of the rapid discharge is so large that the emission becomes super-radiant, that laser action takes place without an optical cavity.

在某些情况下,中子的比率protons is low, a type of decay has been found to exist. Where a proton is converted to a neutron in the nucleus by the capture of one of the extra nuclear electrons, with a neutrino being formed at the same time. The product of this type of radioactivity would have the same number as its parent, but its atomic number would be one unit lower.
The phenomenon described is referred to as a decay by electron capture. The electron is captured usually from the K level, or first quantum level, for such an electron is likely to be found near the nucleus; consequently, the expression K-electron capture, or K-capture is often employed. Instances of an electron being captured from the second quantum level, or L level, is not unknown although they are not common. The possibility of electron capture was predicted by the Japanese mathematical physicists H. Yukawa and S. Sakata in 1936. Proof of its reality was obtained in the United States by L. W. Alvarez in 1938.
When a Lithium-6 atom encounters an ultraviolet photon adding enough energy to cause a K-capture, its atomic number is changed and becomes a Helium-6 atom. Helium-6 is a radio nuclide having a beta emission of 3.58 MeV. No other radiation is present except for a characteristic X-ray of Helium.
The number of reactions needed to produce a sizeable current flow is small.
In the terms of energy needs, the usefulness of this process is clear.
I did not write this article… I only edited it for clarity. Nor have I seen this device working. However, I did speak with a person at the 1998 Exotic Research Conference from Utah who had claimed to have built this type of device with a few of his associates. This guy stated that they did not know how to convert the x-rays to electricity. He said that the device was very dangerous and hard to control. It was also stated to have wiped out computer hard-drives within a few blocks of the operating device. This posted article seems to answer the conversion problem.