Do you know what your credit score is? If you plan to buy a home in the near future, you’ll want to find out right away. If your score isn’t high enough, you’ll need to increase it or you might not even be eligible to get a mortgage.
The average credit score forpeople in their 20s is 65230岁人的平均分数为671.那些在“公平”范围内。Young people definitely havesome room for improvement when it comes to their credit scores.
If you want to buy a house, keep reading. This article will give you some tips on how to build your credit to buy a house sooner rather than later.
How to Built Your Credit to Buy a House: Start Here
If you know you want to buy a house, the best thing to do is start saving young, building credit, and making sure your credit score stays strong. Of course, this is sometimes easier said than done.
The first thing you need to do is request your credit report and get your credit score. You can get a free one each year from the three major credit bureaus. You should thoroughly review your credit report and make sure everything is accurate.
Your credit report does not include your credit score, though, so you may have to pay for that. A lot of credit cards or other lenders provide this to their current customers, though, so you might be able to get it free if you have an account with a company who does this.
2. Dispute Any Errors
You absolutely must do all of this in writing. Once you submit a dispute, the credit bureau has to investigate, usually within 30 days. You’ll also need to include documents supporting your dispute as well. Send copies, not originals.
3.。Pay Off Delinquent Accounts
Your credit report will also indicate whether you have any delinquent accounts. If you have any accounts that have late payments, charge-offs, or accounts in collections, you should pay them off before applying for a mortgage. If you don’t, mortgage lenders will view you as a risky borrower who doesn’t pay their debts.
It’s wise to wait a few months to apply for a mortgage once you get all of your accounts current. This demonstrates to lenders that you are currently a responsible borrower.
A big part of your credit score is the amount of debt you have. Revolving debts, such as on credit cards, hurts you more than installment loans (car payments, for example).
Lenders like to see a good mix of revolving and installment account. If you have all credit card accounts, that could伤害您的信用评分。
It is possible to get a credit card even if you have poor credit. Even if you get one with a small limit, making a purchase and paying it off month after month will work in your favor.Bad credit credit cards实际上可以帮助你。
When you get closer to applying for a mortgage, you should limit the number of new accounts you open. It might be tempting to open a new credit account to buy new furniture or run up your credit card balance at a home improvement or home decor store to decorate your new house, but avoid doing this.
Lenders want to see a stable credit history and they don’t want to see that you’ve recently opened a bunch of new accounts. It’s best to wait until after you close on your home to open any new accounts for furniture or home decor.
Avoid making any big financial changes while you’re preparing for a mortgage application.
8.。Keep Older Accounts Open
In addition to avoiding new accounts,保持旧的开放。If you close old accounts, even if you don’t really use them, you reduce your available credit, which increases your credit utilization ratio.
The Bottom Line
Use these tips for how to build credit to buy a house and when it comes time to apply for a mortgage, check out the mostcompetitive current mortgage rates on our site. Then, you can apply for an即时在线速率报价and get all of your questions about mortgage answered.