From the time we get up in the morning until we go to bed, we do things that add to our carbon footprint. It’s up to us to find more environmentally friendly ways to do the things we do on a daily basis.
One place to start is with your daily commute. The number of Americans commuting to work every day is近14300万.
1. Carpool
2. Work From Home One Day Per Week
大型和小型公司都是招聘偏远工人。现在390万美国人working from homeat least half of the work week. Working from home one day a week or changing to a 4-day work week will have you and your vehicle on the road 20% less time per week. Fewer vehicles on the road during popular commute times is also good for the environment.
3. Use Public Transportation
在健身房省钱,并选择步行或骑自行车工作的选择。许多人不得不足够接近地走上工作,但步行可以与公共交通相结合。骑自行车是另一种选择。澳大利亚悉尼的一家公司提供electric bikesthat make cycling to work enjoyable, healthy and eco-friendly.
Electric and hybrid carscreate much less carbon pollutionthan regular automobiles. This environmentally friendly choice has many benefits in addition to being a way to green your commute. There are tax incentives on the state and federal level as well as discounts on vehicle registration. Your fuel budget will also be reduced. Couple these benefits with higher resale value and it’s a win-win situation.
Doing Your Part for Mother Earth
如果我们全部尝试以更加环保的方式生活我们的生活,无论是使用绿色方式,以便采用通勤或回收,重用还是减少浪费,我们的地球将受益。探索我们的网站更多的想法和提示for going green.