Inventor: Ralph Daniel Reymond
Current U.S. Classification: 313/54; 310/303; 310/304; 313/146; 313/148

Filing date: Dec 29, 1954
Issue date: Feb 23, 1960

This invention relates to electron discharge tube devices and more particularly to a multi-element tube which has incorporated therewith an internal source of power.



It is a further object of this invention to provide a tube in which the cathode source of electrons is replaced by a radioactive source providing charged particle emission.





Fig. 2 is a sectional side view of another preferred embodiment of tube made in accordance with the teachings of the invention.


The above described elements are enclosed within a sealed tube 6. Leads 7 and 8 extend through the tube envelope so that effective utilization may be made of the tube through the grid 4 and plate 5. Around the semi-conductor 3 is positioned a collector 9 having an external lead 10.

10 gaseous state of the tube. One example of a seal which might be used is shown and described in Hotine Patent No. 2,416,318, of February 25, 1947. This is riot intended to be limiting, however, since it is obvious that many ways may be devised for positioning the source.

在管的操作中,原子材料(例如锶90)的放射源1,铀的原子裂变的废料发出了主要高能量β粒子的硬辐射射线2 .-这些是通过适当成型的指导源极靠近辐射源的半导体晶片3。可能的半导体材料是硅,铅亚硫酸盐,硒等类似材料。半导体材料用作“:显示为箭头13所示的发射电子。通过放射源发出的高能粒子的初始线性速度用于敲击二次发射晶片的电子,并且电子移动将晶片的流朝向收集板;二次发射器内的多次发射发生并增加流的密度。由于硅具有电子的粘合性与其他材料的电子,因此似乎是使用的优选材料。

随着高能辐射粒子2罢工d passes through the silicon, it drives off an estimated 200,000 electrons 13. Since the strontium 90 emits , several billion particles per second a great number of. electrons are driven from the semi-conductor or wafer 3. The output from this source is in the nature of one-millionth watt. The electrons which are driven from the wafer 3 are directed through the control grid which is connected to a modulating source of signals to a plate where they may be received and utilized as a rectified, amplified, or oscillating signal. This wafer 3 may serve as a lens to guide the electrons to the plate and to’this end may be suitably shaped.

Since electrons are continuously being driven from the wafer, it will be positively charged and therefore can be used to polarize the plate through connection 12 which may be made on the edge of said wafer. To eliminate any spurious electron flow from the secondary source 3, a collector 9 is provided which will pick up any stray electrons and conduct them through a lead 10 to ground.

现在参考图1. 2放射性辐射源1'定位在部件的球面布置的中心。这些包括靠近源极近的发射器材料3'。作为同心球的围绕发射器3'是栅格4'并且仍然从源进一步躺着是作为同心球的集电极板5'。


To provide access to the radioactive radiation source, which is movable toward and away from the geometrical center of the spherical elements by means of insulating rod 11′, a conical shaped section is provided which forms a cavity in the assembly into which the source may be inserted.
