
Do you want to live off-grid but don’t want to give up modern comforts? Us either, we get it.



1. Install a Smart Thermostat


You can, if you invest in a smart thermostat. They’re a little pricy up front, but many people site that they save enough money on their energy bill to recoup that cost in the first year.

These units learn your routines and turn off the air or heat when you’re not home. It’s all AI and app-controlled. You can even set it to turn on a little before you get home so you walk in the door to a nice temperature.



Have you ever walked into a public bathroom and found two options for flushing? There’s the one water droplet option and the two/three.

Those are low flow toilets that let you choose how much water to use with each flush. If you pee, you don’t need as much water in your flush as you would with solid waste.

Unfortunately, this means getting an entirely new toilet, but it’s worth the cost. You may not see a huge change in your water bill, but the earth will thank you.

With this new system you may want to consider the gross sounding but effective “if it’s yellow let it mellow” method. If there are a lot of people in your house, only flush every other time you or they pee.

It saves a lot of water and urine isn’t smelly. If you’re worried about it making your toilet dirty, invest in an in-bowl cleaner. Some of these are gel tablets that stick on or they can hang from the toilet bowl itself.

This will keep any proteins in the urine from building up in the bowl.



You can get these peel-off pieces of treated plastic on Amazon. You should notice your home staying a little cooler during the day and you’ll see less fabric fade on nearby pieces of furniture.

4. Use More Rugs

在光谱的另一端,如果你住在寒冷的地方,你知道地毯可以帮助你省钱吗?一个房间,带铺砌的地毯的房间将保存five percent more energythan a room without.

The rug traps cold air and keeps it from coming into the room. It’s also nicer to put your feet on in the morning than a cold floor, so it’s a win-win!

5. Skip the Lights During the Day

This one may seem obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t do it. If you have natural light in your home, you don’t need to use your electric lights during the day, at least, not as much.

The sunlight is free and doesn’t burn any fossil fuels to make. It’s also better for you than fake light. Getting the right amount of sunlight makes people happier and gets them their daily dose of vitamin D.

6. Switch to CFL

Are you still using old-school lightbulbs that burn out? You shouldn’t be. Everyone is either using LED or CFL bulbs in their homes now.


节能灯泡,当涉及到能源、节省66%的the energy normal light bulbs use. That translates into 400 pounds of greenhouse gas, just from switching one bulb! Talk about return on investment.

7. Ditch the Paper Towels and Napkins

You know what is doing some serious harm to the earth? Deforestation. It hurts animals and cuts down on the amount of carbon our atmosphere can process and turn back into oxygen. It also costs a lot of money to cut down and process all those trees.

森林砍伐是一个严重的威胁到我们的雨林,你可以通过剪纸来完成你的部分。你真的需要用纸巾吗?擦拭你的柜台? There are plenty of other options.

You could use a designated cleaning sponge or a washcloth. The extra water it takes to clean these items is worth saving the trees you would be using.

Cloth napkins are much better for your budget and for the earth as well. Plus, using cloth at mealtimes is much classier!

8. Get an Eco-Friendly Garage Door

Did you know that there are eco-friendly garage doors? Well, you do now. These doors are made out of recycled materials but still protect your home.

它们不仅适合地球,而且还具有更密集的材料并提供更多的绝缘材料。每次打开车库时都可以开始省钱!了解更多有关此趋势的信息useful link.



What could you do better at home? Maybe cut out paper towels or flush less? Even taking shorter showers can make a difference for our children’s future.

Want to learn more about having a truly eco-friendly home? Read thisroofing materials article下一个。