reduce reuse recycle

拯救地球。增加你家的财产价值. 一年四季都在省钱。

Instilling a sense of responsibility in your kids. An increased sense of pride in your contribution to society. Preparing for your future generations.



Teach the Meaning of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Do you know the true meaning of减少、再利用、再循环? Here’s the kicker: while we’re used to hearing and reading this mantra linearly, it’s actually meant to be a cycle.

That means that, to truly do your part, you have to participate in each step of the process. This means not only working harder to reduce waste, but making sure you purchase eco-friendly products at the tail end of the cycle, too.

Teach your kids what it means to conserve. Teaching is one of life’s greatest joys as a person and as a parent. They’ll love feeling like they’re a part of the solution for a better future.



There’s a documentary on sustainability in almost every industry, from fashion to the big farming industry. There are also sustainability documentaries on topics outside of certain industries, like the hit “Minimalism,” which follows two guys’ journeys towards整理他们的思想and lives to find their true value.

Get Artsy

Often, we learn best through visuals. Why not have an arts and crafts day with the kids in which you make fun reminders to recycle to hang around the house?

You can create toilet paper roll art, upcycle old products into planters, and even turn old wine bottles into candles.

You could also find a quote on sustainability that speaks to your family andcreate your own inspirational quote posters.Let each of your kids make their own and hang them in their rooms to remind them of their commitment to reducing theircarbon footprint.

Find Tax Incentives

This one’s for mom and dad. There are tons of tax incentives out there for updating your home to be more energy-efficient.

Some states will actually subsidize the installation of solar panels. There are even some home loans out there specifically for the purchase of eco-friendly properties.

There are federal, state, local, and utility exemptions available. Check outthis listto find one you could qualify for!




Want to learn more about how to lead an eco-friendly lifestyle? Check out our绿色生活用品为所有的提示和技巧,你需要!