
As a matter of fact a crystal receiver is the most simple form of wireless receiving apparatus and, although having a limited range, is hard to beat from the point of view of purity of reproduction.

A crystal detector consists of the familiar piece of crystal and a wire contact, commonly known as a “cat’s whisker”. The “cat’s whisker” is sometimes omitted, and two crystals are used with very good results. The main defect of a piece of wire as a contact is its instability. Everyone who has used a cat’s whisker for listening knows how often it is necessary to readjust this tiny wire, which will lose its contact at the slightest provocation, even when somebody walks across the room.


It was discovered some years ago that, if certain natural minerals are placed in a circuit carrying n electric current, the current will pass in one direction only. If a voltage is applied in such a way as to make the current flow in the reverse direction, the mineral or the “crystal” will offer such a resistance that the resultant current will be negligible.

The property of allowing an electrical current to flow in one direction only is known asrectification, and the crystal therefore is referred to as a “rectifier” or detector (of “wireless” signals).

There exists a great diversity of opinion as to the nature of the rectifying property of crystals, but this lack of definite knowledge does not preclude us form using crystals for the purpose of “wireless” reception.

Some of the crystals are, so to say, born rectifiers, and will rectify on their own without any additional batteries, but others will do their work best if they have a small polarizing batteryin series


Natural and Commercial Crystals

A Japanese scientist, Mr. Wichi Toricata, in his paper “Commercial Wireless Telegraphy in Japan”, published in the电工on the 16th1910年9月,给出了下表:

  1. I.Ores quite sensitive with perfect contact

Oxides Sulphides

Zincite (b)Simple Sulphides


Cassiterite Galena

Anatase Zinc blende

Arkansite Chalkosite

Pyrolusite Iron pyrites

Wad Pyrrhotine

Complex Oxides Complex Sulphides

Micacious Magyagite

Ilmenite,Iserine,Hystatite Tennantite

Magnetite Enargite

Psilomelane Schwatzite





  1. II.Ores sensitive with light contact



Marcasite or kyrosite Domeykite

Covelline Strutterudite




Copper pyrites







Nearly all the ores with good conductivity can be used for rectifying purposes, but some of them require a very slight contact and delicate adjustment, and are not practicable. The action of mineral detectors seems to depend upon the chemical and physical properties of the ores, and also upon the conditions of the contacts, but not upon the crystalline structure and axis of the ores.

W. H. eCcls博士为适合“无线”工作提供以下晶体:

  1. I.Elementary substances


  1. II.Natural sulphides

Galena (Lead sulphide)

Iron pyrites




  1. III.Natural oxides








There are many commercial combinations, but we shall discuss the most successful ones, actually used by prominent manufacturers in this and other countries.


Philip R. Cararyy先生在他的书中的“电话没有电线的电话”中,给出了以下组合,最适合“无线”电话,即广播:

Perikon (zincite-chalcopyrite)







碳焊液 - 钢检测器需要额外的偏振电压约一伏。

The perikon and zincite-tellurium require no batteries.

Now let us consider the properties of the best known crystals:


Galena – graphite.A detector of medium sensitiveness but reliable and insensitive to mechanical vibrations.

Anatase.This is an octahedral crystal of oxide of titanium with the chemical formula TiO2和was found to rectify quite markedly. Anatase gives much larger currents with a small applied voltage than does caborundum, and is therefore a much more sensitive detector.




Perikon。Perikon探测器是氧化锌(ZnO)和铜吡锌(CuFE)的组合2). It is twice as sensitive and more easily adjusted than the silicon detector.

Chalcopyrite and Zincite. These two crystals, used as a detector, require a polarizing battery, but considerable rectifications may be obtained without it. This combination is desirable for use where adjustments may be frequent, due to vibrations or similar disturbances which may be present as in the case of portable receiving equipment.

Cerusite(American trade name). Cerusite is a better rectifier than carborundum. No polarizing battery is required.

Zincite。Red oxide of zinc. Zincite and brass point contact form a reliable and sensitive detector.

碲-Aluminium. Tellurium-Silicon.These are sensitive detectors with or without polarizing batteries.

The Good Points of a Detector

It is rather a difficult matter to judge the comparative sensitiveness of two detectors because many factors have to be taken into consideration, and the tests carried out under exactly the same conditions, but the following are the general properties which a good crystal detector must possess:

a) It should be mechanically strong and well constructed. This means that it should be able to hold its adjustment and not be easily disturbed.


c) The crystal should be easily adjusted. It is a distinct disadvantage if any marked difficulty is found in adjusting the setting for good reception, as valuable time may be lost in this way if a signal is coming in and the detector is not operating properly.


Ordinarily all points on a crystal are not equally sensitive, and it is necessary to adjust for maximum sensitivity. The adjustment of the detector can be made either while receiving signals or before actual reception, by exciting the receiving set by means of weak local oscillations from a buzzer.


晶体电路非常简单,如下few examples will enable you to understand how a crystal set is put together. (Fig. 80)



auses a slider coil,ba tapped coil,c变度计,da coil in parallel with a condenser,eis a loosely coupled aerial rather interesting from the experimental point of view.


The typesabare not recommended unless they are used from a purely experimental point of view. The slider coil and the tapped inductances have a so-called “dead end” effect. This means that part of the coil is not being used for reception and energy is being wasted at that “dead end”.

The variometer type is pretty efficient, but it is preferable to start with a coil-condenser tuner, as it makes it so easy to convert this crystal set into a valve set later in. Please note that the telephones should always be connected between the crystal and the earth.

Try out all sorts of crystals for reception, and see if you can find some new combination or some new material that will give better results than the known crystals.

关于需要偏振电池的晶体,W. Greenwood,B.Sc。(ENG。),A.M.I.E.E.,A.C.G.I.IN,在他的教科书无线电报和电话 - 大学教程新闻(5S。6D。),给出了以下连接图。(图81)

