Nobel Lecture, June 6, 1905 by PIERRE CURIE
Allow me, first of all, to tell you that I am happy to speak today before the Academy of Sciences which has conferred on Mme. Curie and myself the very great honour of awarding us a Nobel Prize. We must also tender you our apologies for being so tardy in visiting you in Stockholm, for reasons quite outside our control.


I shall give you only a rapid account of the discovery of radium and a brief summary of its properties, and then I shall speak to you of the consequences of the new knowledge which radioactivity gives us in the various branches of science.

Becquerel discovered in 1896 the special radiating properties of uranium and its compounds. Uranium emits very weak rays which leave an impression on photographic plates. These rays pass through black paper and metals; they make air electrically conductive. The radiation does not vary with time, and the cause of its production is unknown.

MME。Curie in France and Schmidt in Germany have shown that thorium and its compounds possess the same properties. Mme. Curie also showed in 1898 that of all the chemical substances prepared or used in the laboratory, only those containing uranium or thorium were capable of emitting a substantial amount of the Becquerel rays. We have called such substances放射性

Radioactivity, therefore, presented itself as an atomic property of uranium and thorium, a substance being all the more radioactive as it was richer in uranium or thorium.

MME。Curie has studied the minerals containing uranium or thorium, and in accordance with the views just stated, these minerals are all radioactive. But in making the measurements, she found that certain of these were more active than they should have been according to the content of uranium or thorium. Mme. Curie then made the assumption that these substances contained radioactive chemical elements which were as yet unknown. We, Mme. Curie and I, have sought to find these new hypothetical substances in a uranium ore, pitchblende. By carrying out the chemical analysis of this mineral and assaying the radioactivity of each batch separated in the treatment, we have, first of all, found a highly radioactive substance with chemical properties close to bismuth which we have called polonium, and then (in collaboration with Bémont) a second highly radioactive substance close to barium which we called radium. Finally, Debierne has since separated a third radioactive substance belonging to the group of the rare earths, actinium.


The general effects of the radiations from radium are intense and very varied.

各种实验:静电镜排出。- 光线通过几厘米的铅。- 通过镭诱导的火花。- 铂铂磷酸磷酸,威末和昆塔石的激发。- 光线着色玻璃。- 辐射从这些物质上辐射作用后的氟和超荧光的热致发光。- 用镭加油片。

A radioactive substance such as radium constitutes a continuous source of energy. This energy is manifested by the emission of the radiation. I have also shown in collaboration with Laborde that radium releases heat continuously to the extent of approx. 100 calories per gram of radium and per hour. Rutherford and Soddy, Runge and Precht, and Knut Ångström have also measured the release of heat by radium, this release seems to be constant after several years, and the total energy released by radium in this way is considerable.

The work of a large number of physicists (Meyer and Schweidler, Giesel, Becquerel, P. Curie, Mme. Curie, Rutherford, Villard, etc.) shows that the radioactive substances can emit rays of the three different varieties designated by Rutherford as a-, b− and g -rays. They differ from one another by the action of a magnetic field and of an electric field which modify the trajectory of the a -and b -rays.

The b -rays, similar to cathode rays, behave like negatively charged projectiles of a mass 2000 times smaller than that of a hydrogen atom (electron). We have verified, Mme. Curie and I, that the b -rays carry with them negative electricity. The a -rays, similar to the Goldstein’s canal rays, behave like projectiles 1,000 times heavier and charged with positive electricity. The g-rays are similar to Röntgen rays.




实验:一个玻璃管,充满了来自巴黎带来的镭的散发物。- 来自诱导放射性的光线通过光线排出电镜。- 渗透作用下硫化锌的磷光。




The consequences of these facts are making themselves felt in all branches of science:

The importance of these phenomena for physics is evident. Radium constitutes in laboratories a new research tool, a source of new radiations. The study of the β -rays has already been very fruitful. It has been found that this study confirms the theory of J. J. Thomson and Heaviside on the mass of particles in motion, charged with electricity; according to this theory, part of the mass results from the electromagnetic reactions of the ether of the vacuum. The experiments of Kauffmann on the β -rays of radium lead to the assumption that certain particles have a velocity very slightly below that of light, that according to the theory the mass of the particle increases with the velocity for velocities close to that of light, and that the whole mass of the particle is of an electromagnetic nature. If the hypothesis is also made that material substances are constituted by an agglomeration of electrified particles, it is seen that the fundamental principles of mechanics will have to be profoundly modified.

The consequences for chemistry of our knowledge of the properties of the radioactive substances are perhaps even more important. And this leads us to speak of the source of energy which maintains the radioactive phenomena. At the beginning of our investigations we stated, Mme. Curie and I, that the phenomena could be explained by two distinct and very general hypotheses which were described by Mme. Curie in 1899 and 1900 (Revue Générale des Sciences, January 10, 1899, and Revue Scientifique, July 21, 1900).



The second hypothesis has shown itself the more fertile in explaining the properties of the radioactive substances properly so called. It gives, in particular, an immediate explanation for the spontaneous disappearance of polonium and the production of helium by radium. This theory of the transformation of the elements has been developed and formulated with great boldness by Rutherford and Soddy who state that there is a continuous and irreversible disaggregation of the atoms of the radioactive elements. In the theory of Rutherford the disaggregation products would be, on the one hand, the projectile rays, and on the other hand, the emanations and the induced radioactivities. The latter would be new gaseous or solid radioactive substances frequently with a rapid evolution and having atomic weights lower than that of the original element from which they are derived. Seen in this way the life of radium would be necessarily limited when this substance is separated from the other elements. In Nature radium is always found in association with uranium, and it can be assumed that it is produced by the latter.




Finally, in the biological sciences the rays of radium and its emanation produce interesting effects which are being studied at present. Radium rays have been used in the treatment of certain diseases (lupus, cancer, nervous diseases). In certain cases their action may become dangerous. If one leaves a wooden or cardboard box containing a small glass ampulla with several centigrams of a radium salt in one’s pocket for a few hours, one will feel absolutely nothing. But 15 days afterwards a redness will appear on the epidermis, and then a sore which will be very difficult to heal. A more prolonged action could lead to paralysis and death. Radium must be transported in a thick box of lead.

It can even be thought that radium could become very dangerous in criminal hands, and here the question can be raised whether mankind benefits from knowing the secrets of Nature, whether it is ready to profit from it or whether this knowledge will not be harmful for it. The example of the discoveries of Nobel is characteristic, as powerful explosives have enabled man to do wonderful work. They are also a terrible means of destruction in the hands of great criminals who are leading the peoples towards war. I am one of those who believe with Nobel that mankind will derive more good than harm from the new discoveries.