- 一些类型的晶体管现在掺杂了放射性杂质。
- 用于硬化钢的钒含有天然的钒放射性同位素。
- Hafnium used to harden steel is also radioactive.
- Tungsten thoriated rods used in welding usually contain 2-3% radioactive thorium.
- The magnetron in a microwave oven uses thorium on its negative electrode.
- Cold cathode radio tubes use cathodes that have been coated with thorium oxide.
- The floor lights and exit signs in commercial airplanes use tritium gas.
- Watch dials that glow use tritium salts.
- 某些步枪瞄准点使用氚盐。
- Welsbach gas mantles are soaked in thorium nitrate.
- Sodium vapor street lamps contain a thorium saturated disc.
- When you get a C.A.T. scan they inject radioactive sodium iodide into your blood.
- Smoke detectors use Americium-241, this is aged plutonium.
- Types of cancers are treated with highly radioactive Cobalt-60.
- 一些冷冻食品公司现在正在用Colbalt-60辐照食品。
- Radio Isotopic Generators use Plutonium-238 as their heat source.
- 心脏起搏器由钚驱动。
- Irradiation of transistors can improve their properties to a great extent. This is of special value in high-speed circuits, especially for use in super computers.
- 橡胶可以用辐射代替硫硫化,因此具有较好的耐温性。
- 照射病组织会杀死生病的细胞。通过照射治疗功能不全的细胞和癌症是众所周知的。然而,放射治疗具有破坏性,它也破坏了健康组织。这种缺点得到了缓解。在能量谱中,一个被称为软x射线的区域已经被发现,它破坏了不健康的细胞,对健康细胞没有危险,但仍然具有深入的穿透性。T、 莫雷在他的电治疗设备中使用了这个光谱。
- 辐照塑料比同厚度普通结构钢具有更大的强度和弹性,而且这种塑料具有耐热性,可大大降低建筑物火灾风险。由于它的强大实力,它必须在辐照前给出它的最终形式。
- Irradiated food will remain preserved for up to ten years sealed in a plastic bag. If we were to irradiate food before its consumption we would be very healthy people. Bacteria and virus can not survive irradiation. After irradiation food will not become radioactive, contrary to what is assumed.
* 1-5… Atomic Energy, Lehrburger, 1958