Why is Lithium Used in Batteries?


Most people don’t know much about the batteries that power their devices. Don’t you want to know more about the battery on your phone?

Today, you’re going to learn all about lithium-ion batteries.


The lithium in your rechargeable batteries comes from one of two places. The first is from mines in Tibet and China. The best known is the Ganzizhou Rongda Lithium mine. Here, miners extract lithium from the mountains.

The second place we get lithium from is the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia. Salar de Uyuni is the world’s biggest salt flat. Corporations pump brine to the surface. It sits over a period of months as the water evaporates, leaving behind lithium rich salt.

This process is water intensive – using500,000 gallons per tonne of lithium。这是一个巨大的社会和环境问题。65%的地区的水用于这种形式的锂挖掘。许多当地社区必须从其他资源中发货。

How Does Lithium Work?

Batteries don’t actually store electricity. In fact, electricity can’t be stored. Instead, batteries work by converting chemical energy into electrical energy.

Lithium-ion batteries are made up of an anode, a cathode, a solvent, and a barrier. The anode and cathode are at opposite ends of the battery. They pull electrons through the barrier separating the anode and cathode. These electrons cause a chemical reaction that produces electricity.

When you charge your phone, the electrons are pulled back toward the anode. When it’s charged, the electrons are ready to make the trek toward the cathode again.

Why Is Lithium Used in Batteries?


There are a lot of pros and a few cons to the lithium-ion battery. Let’s explore that.


High Energy Density

Compared to other batteries, lithium is lighter and holds way more energy. That means it’s easier to power phones and other items where weight and size are an issue.


Most batteries lose a bit of their power during use. Lithium-ion batteries do too, but much less – only about 5% in the first month and 2% per charge after that.

Low Maintenance

Other batteries need a lot of maintenance to ensure they function properly. For example, they may need to drain completely before they can recharge again. Lithium-ion batteries don’t have that issue. (Actually, you should never completely drain a lithium-ion battery. It won’t recharge afterward.)

No Priming Required

Many batteries need to be primed before their first use. That’s not the case with lithium-ion. Charge it up all the way and it’s ready to roll!

Variety of Options and Uses

Lithium-ion is versatile. It can be used in something as small as a vape-pen to something as big as a car. It has seemingly-endless potential uses.


Power Protection Required


This is all handled by a mini computer and special circuitry. The user never has to worry about it.


啊老化,我们所有人的福音。无论是使用还是没有,锂离子电池往往在2 - 3年后往往会变坏。之后,他们需要更换。这是智能手机征税,但达到电动车时更糟糕。


Lithium-ion is expensive – about 40% more expensive than nickel-cadmium cells.

Explosive Tendencies

You all remember when Samsung had to recall Note 7? There was an issue with the Lithium-ion batteries. It spontaneously caused the Notes to explode. The vast majority of the time, these batteries are totally safe. But a lithium-ion laptop battery holds as much energy as a hand grenade.

How Do Lithium-Ion Batteries Affect the Environment?


As we mentioned above, lithium comes from China, or it comes from the world’s largest salt flat in Bolivia. Neither of these is great for the environment.

Dead Fish and Yaks Clog the River in China


In their protest, the government temporarily shut down the Ganzizhou Rongda Lithium mine. They promised to address the environmental concerns before allowing the mines to reopen.

But this didn’t happen. Within a few months, the rivers were full of dead fish again.


Locals in Bolivia Struggle for Water – It’s Going to the Salt Flats Instead



This process has disastrous effects on the locals who struggle to find fresh water. Furthermore, it’s marring the landscape, leaving huge ruts and unnatural formations.

What Happens When My Phone Dies?

What happens to your lithium-ion batteries when they’ve outlived their lives? You may be able to recycle them, but in the UK less than 3% of phones were actually recycled.

And if they are recycled, there’s not much that we can do with them. The lithium is worn out, and it can’t be put into a new phone. Many of the processes used to melt down the metals end up destroying the lithium as is.

Nonetheless, recycling is still better than throwing them in the landfill. Batteries that end up in the landfill leach toxic chemicals into the ground. From there, they get washed up into streams, and eventually into the ocean. Crops grown near landfills pick up the toxic chemicals from the ground. The toxins end up in your food.


Smoke from the fires and the toxins are leached into the air. This all contributes to the world’s greenhouse gasses and to global warming.



Always Recycle Your Batteries and Electronics

Even if we can’t reuse the materials, recycling keeps these toxins out of our landfills.



Cut Out Batteries Whenever Possible


If you can opt for energy saving options elsewhere in your life.Solar energyis becoming more affordable and viable for the every-day American.


It looks like the lithium-ion battery is here to stay for a while. But the scientist that can come up with a better battery is going to go down in history. There’s a ton of research in the battery field right now. When the time comes, consider investing in more environmentally friendly options.

For example, this scientist is looking to build acarbon-based battery棉花 - 所有事情!


We understand why lithium is used in batteries, even if we don’t like it. But for the time being, it still remains the most environmentally friendly battery.

Do what you can to cut back on your battery consumption and take care of your electronics. This will help cut yourcarbon footprintwhen it comes to batteries.

Curious about other energy options? Have you learned howgeothermal energy可能是下一个大事吗?