我们以前提取的el治疗ectrical energy from the atmosphere. The difference of electric potential in different parts of the atmosphere, and the difference between the upper air and earth make it a tempting proposition to obtain power from atmospheric electricity. The power would take the form of high potential difference with a discharge almost of a static nature. It has long appeared rather doubtful to conservative engineers, if such a source of power should really be available. Yet when we see the lightning flash, it certainly suggests very high power, even though the total of its energy may be small, on account of the small duration of the discharge It is not to the thunder storm that we look for getting power from the atmosphere, as the subject is now being seriously investigated. A German scientist, Hermann Plauson, has published a very elaborate work on this subject, and has investigated the use of kites, balloons and towers, for the utilization of the high potentials existing in the air at different altitudes, and has studied out the construction of motors to be operated by the peculiar type of discharge which will be obtained, if the projects are successfully carried out.
但我们的作者丢弃了这个想法,首先暗示了更永久的东西。他提出塔楼的勃起在高1,000英尺的附近,或大约埃菲尔铁塔的高度。在山顶,他有他的收集空中。该器具包括许多铜管;在每个人内,他建议燃烧燃气灯,其产品的燃烧将到达空中,收集净化覆盖管的顶部。他的一个忧虑是,如果雨应该弄湿他的联系可能会随之而来,所以他提出了一个在一个伟大的钟罩的盾牌的形状的顶部保护,类似于他的术语“暹罗宝塔”。他还将保护的形式与伟大的衬裙绝缘体的形式进行比较。他的另一个困难是他必须将他的塔与地球绝缘。因此,他为他的结构描述了一个复杂的基础。他首先提出倒入挖掘的底部,是简单混凝土的基础。 On this he places a layer of asphalt, and then a layer of cast glass, three to ten feet thick, and then comes a reinforced concrete foundation, to which the metallic foot of the tower is to be anchored. This foundation must rise at least seven feet above the ground level, and is to be boarded in on all sides to protect it from moisture. The author’s idea s to erect a number of these towers connected by a horizontal cable, to which the aerials for collection of potentials are secured.