This circuit utilizes a flyback transformer that has wire windings added to its ferrite core. The high-voltage, high frequency is the result of the transformer being driven into resonance at 20 to 170Khz. The flyback transformer supplies high-voltage, high frequency. Its output is in harmony with the Sea of Energy that surrounds it. Like the waves of the ocean, coming and going in regular beat notes, it is in tune with the radiant energy that surrounds its output. This source can be used to excite the Nu Energy Fuel Cell™ into producing electrical power or “proof of concept” radiant energy circuit. Robert E. Iannini designed this circuit. This circuit may be purchased from Information Unlimited. It is item #TCL50. A less expensive circuit may be built.单击此处查看联机图表.
回程(T1)有两个添加初级线圈s ferrite core that are driven by two Mosfet (Q1 & Q2) in a push-pull configuration. Full core saturation occurs with this design that reduces strain on the Mosfets as they run fairly cool even at 5 to 7 amps of current draw. A clock circuit (I1) generates synchronous signals 180 degrees out of phase with internal duty time. The frequency is variable with control pot (R3). This allows fine-tuning of the frequency, driving T1 out of resonance where it can reduce over-all output voltage from the flyback for various adjustments. Capacitor (C2) and R3 determines the drive frequency to the primary windings. Resistor (R2) sets the duty time for smooth operation. Inductor (L1) and capacitor (C1) uncouple the Mosfets and clock circuit I1. Resistor (R4) and (R5) eliminates parasitic oscillation that could occur on the gates of Q1 & Q2. Resistor (R6) and C3 form a snubber network to absorb any leakage energy that may be generated by inductance T1. This is to prevent the Mosfets from quickly breaking down if high-voltage spikes occur in the network. C4 and C5 by-pass any high-frequency that could appear at the primary center point of T1.
- 展开并识别电子元件和硬件。使用电阻器颜色代码确认电阻器值。
- 将所有电子和电气元件插入并焊接到一块2英寸见方的穿孔结构板上。蓝色的电线是20号的,可以传输5到7安培的电流。
- 将18号磁铁线平行缠绕15圈到1½英寸长、½英寸内径的塑料管上。从一根线圈的顶部到另一个线圈的底端连接一根电线,这是B&C连接。然后用电工胶带把这些线圈包紧。小心地分开反激变压器的两个半芯。在芯的两部分之间添加0.02英寸厚的垫片(名片厚度),然后重新组装。使用热胶水或同等胶水将芯固定到位。
- 将Q1和Q2安装到晶体管散热器上。
- 根据示意图重新检查所有接线。
Test Circuit
- 完全逆时针转动R3,将S1开关转到off,将10安培保险丝插入其支架。
- Connect the negative probe of an amp-meter to supply ground. The positive probe is connected to the negative terminal on a twelve-volt power supply.
- 现在将电源的正极端子连接到高压高频逆变电路的正极输入端。
- 接下来,打开电源开关S1,注意仪表上的读数为1安培。慢慢调整R3时钟明智的,应该有一个在你的读数上升到2安培左右。您还应该看到一些离子发光周围的输出终端。这是该电路输出的最低工作输出,可在此模式下连续使用而不会过热。继续转R3,然后你会注意到你的读数急剧上升。这是最大工作模式,你应该阅读约7安培。不要继续在这种模式下工作,因为在没有冷却的情况下,反激会很快损坏。
- 你可以用6英寸的PVC管来封闭反激。使用硅密封剂密封所有送丝。使用PVC管道工水泥密封管件。在进行最终密封之前,确保电路正常工作。
- You can fill the PVC with mineral oil to the top of T1. You do not need to seal the top cap if you are using the unit in its upright position. You can also eliminate the extra weight of the oil and its associated mess by cooling the flyback with a small 12-volt dc personal computer processing unit (CPU) fan.
- 反激的输出端接至适当的硬件螺栓。
- R1-10欧姆
- R2-1000欧姆
- R3-10000欧姆电位计
- R4、R5-15欧姆
- R6-10-ohms, 3-watt, non-inductive
- C1-100-µF,25-WVDC,电解
- C2-3300-pF,50-WVDC,聚酯
- C3-0.01-µF,2KV,陶瓷盘
- C4-2200-µF,25-WVDC,电解
- C5-0.47-µF, 250-WVDC, polyester
- IC1-SG3525A脉宽调制器,集成电路硅通用
- Q1, Q2-IRF540 MOSFET
- S1-SPST 7安培开关
- T1修改反激变压器-见正文
- L1-1-mH扼流圈
- F1-10安培保险丝和保险丝座
- 用于Q1和Q2的散热器和云母绝缘体
- 20号线
- 18-gauge wire
- 2英寸方形穿孔建筑板
- 2-3英寸平PVC端盖
- 6英寸长3英寸直径PVC管
- Mineral oil or 12-volt dc mini fan
Electricity is极其危险and caution should always be used when working around it. Please take the time to educate yourself sufficiently. If you don’t understand something, investigate further before attempting. Take liberal advantage of encyclopedias, science books, and other reference materials. This file was compiled for information purposes only. We do not control the materials used in construction, the methods of construction, nor the applications of the construction, therefore;我们对危险或不理想的结果不负责。Always use rubber gloves when working with high-voltages.