
Finding clean non-conventional sources ofrenewable energy sources such as wind power with the use of wind turbines, solar energy, or tidal poweris vital when trying to achieve sustainable development and find alternative sources that do not contribute to the carbon footprint we are leaving on the environment.


The Effects of Global Warming


减少全球变暖效果的最佳方法之一是减少使用化石燃料。When we burn fossil fuels, we increase the levels ofgreenhouse gasses被引入到大气中。

Green Space



Urban green spaces can also help transport rainwater that could otherwise flood certain areas. The capability to do this cuts down on the cost of having to find other ways to control water in coastal and flood areas and minimizes the need to build more pipes or holding tanks.



Burning biomass does release carbon dioxide into the air but the plants take that carbon dioxide and use it to grow leaves, flowers, branches, and stems. Therefore, the carbon dioxide that is released is being returned to the plants and absorbed.


The carbon dioxide emissions are controlled and there are no fumes or emissions that are being released into the air to cause harm or destruction to the ozone layer or increase the effects of greenhouse gasses which contributes to global warming.


水电是一种自然能源资源涉及到利用th的能量的能力at can be produced by moving water. The energy from the moving water is then turned into a useful power source which reduces dependence on fossil fuels and other nonrenewable resources and limits the effects we have on to the environment, including reducing the threat of global warming.

The water has to be moving at fast speeds so that it can spin a turbine. The turbine then rotates and powers a generator that produces electricity. There is also something known as pumped storage that is utilized during off-peak times. The water from a lower reservoir is pumped into a higher reservoir and is stored to create hydropower later in the day.


The damage and effects of hydroelectric power depend on the way that the system is operated. Flow releases should be managed and patterns should be monitored. Voluntary certification programs are also being put in place for companies if they want to help limit the environmental impact they are having while operating the equipment. The certification can contribute to ensuring that the river is flowing correctly, the water quality is good, the cultural resources are protected, and the animals and their habitats are being protected.


