GB Patent No. 121,561
BENITEZ,C. 1918年4月10日。 - 充电和放电电池系统.-在包括两组电流电池的电源系统中,一个集合放电以执行有用的工作,并通过振荡电路充电另一个设置一组整流器。电池连接器由螺线管操作的换向器变化,其电路由时钟控制。在图1所示的位置。如图1所示,安装在轴6上的换向器5建立了电池1-2正极的电池1-2正极的下列放电电路,电动机22,引线21,端子17。参照图1和2,段14,端子18,引线26,电动机27,28,引线30,负载40,端子39,换向器5,端子77到电池1-2的负极的载体40,端子39,刷子9。电动机27,28驱动连接到变压器的初级绕组的端子44,45的交流发电机42。变压器的第二绕步绕组的端子46,47连接到具有电感55的冷凝器48和振荡电路,该电振电路是通过整流阀将电池3-4充电的能量源,以使电池3-4充电。图33,34,35和36和以下电路,引线32,端子19,图3和33.在图1和2中,段15,终端20,电流表24,电池3-4,换向器的刷子和连接10,以及引线37。在预定的时间之后,操作换向器5以将电池3-4放置放电通过负载41和电动机27,28,并将电池1-2放置在振荡电路上。 The commutator 5 is operated by a handle or electro-magnetically by one of two solenoids 62, 63, the circuits of which are controlled by a clock 67. The minute hand of the clock is adapted to engage contacts 68, 69, and the hour hand is adapted to engage twelve studs 70. Six of the studs 70 are placed upon a metal disk 72, Fig. 4, provided with six holes through which the six other studs 70 on the disk 71, Fig. 3, pass. The disks 71 and 72 are connected respectively to solenoids 62, 63, Fig. 1, by leads 74, 75. In the position shown, the solenoid 62 is energized from one-half the battery 3-4; while one hour later the solenoid 63 is energized from one-half the battery 1-2 to change the position of the commutator. Specification 14311/15, which describes a battery charging and discharging system, is referred to.
Title: New process for the generation of electrical energy.
Application Number: GB19180006131 19180410
Publication Number: 121561 (A)
Publication Date: 1918-12-24
Inventor: Benitez Carlos
Assignee: Benitez Carlos
IPC:H02J 07/02
23. Storage battery bank 1 – 2
25. Storage battery bank 3 – 4
28. Electrical connection to direct current motor
29. Motor current control
32. Negative output to negative battery terminals and to negative input loads.
33.汞 - 蒸汽整流器
34.汞 - 蒸汽整流器
35. Mercury-vapor rectifier
36.汞 - 蒸汽整流器
42. Alternator coupled through direct current motor shaft
43. Inductive resistance tuning coil
44. Electrical contact to primary coil of step-up transformer
46. Electrical contact to secondary coil of step-up transformer
47. Electrical contact to secondary coil of step-up transformer
49. Connection to capacitor plate
53. Spark blow-out coil
55. Variable resistor
78. Adjustable sliding contact