- Minato Wheel. E. Vogels (Sweden)
- Mechanism of Drive-Free motion. S.A. Gerasimov (Russia)
- Production of Ball Lightning in Laboratory Environment. Report by A. Pashova (Russia)
- 向半空间空气中产生的放电。G.D.沙巴诺夫,O.M.Zherebtsov(俄罗斯)
- Free Energy. A.V. Frolov (Russia)
- 物质和能源的一些一般性质。E.D.Sorokodum(俄罗斯)
- 太空商业探索。O.审查。列昂蒂耶娃(俄罗斯)。
- Prospects of Hydrogen Energetics. Ph.M. Kanarev (Russia)
- Heater Producing Healthy Effect. A.L. Belyaeva and others (Kirghizia)
- 惯性推进装置。V.E.Senkevich(俄罗斯)
- 无限加速无反应运动。复习。
- 革命潮流。S.K.Baliyan(印度)
- Tilley Electric Vehicle. Review.
- 电动发电机的应用趋势。答。阿库(美国)
- 俄罗斯的电动汽车。A.审查。帕绍瓦(俄罗斯)
- Richard Clem马达和锥形泵。R。昆茨(美国)
- Spontaneous Flow Heat Pump. J.-L. Brochet (France)
- Registration of Gravitational Waves. V.N. Petrov (Russia)
- 高能超低频电场。你,V。伊万科(乌克兰)
- 静电场做功的问题。A.V.Frolov(俄罗斯)
- 评论电动升降器新闻。
- 读者来信。
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In the United States, heating your home accounts for around 42% of your utility bill. There are several different sources of energy to heat your home, which can make it difficult to know which is best for you. Natural gas and electrical heating systems tend to be the most popular, but they aren’t the most…
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