计算对effect of many-cavity structures由Valery F. Zolotariov教授(这种效果是V.Grebennikov的对抗系统的基础。De Broglie的物质波浪,航空航天系统的应用。)
Quasi-Superconductive Technology for Electric Power Transmission. Prof. Dmitry S. Strebkov (单线电力传输,现代版Tesla的实验and its industrial application. Calculations and design, 100 KWt system)
Water is the Basis of the Future Energetics. Prof. Phillip M. Kanarev (Theory, design and experimental results on high efficient plasma electrolysis.1000%的过程有效性)
Over-unity Patent of 1877 by Pavel Yablotchkov
议案新原则的基本原则,P. Sherbak
Design of an engine for free space based on the pondemotor effect. Acad. Gennady F. Ignatyev. (The Poynting vectordescribe the propulsion force of 60N. It is created in electromagnetic system, which can be used as drive of spacecraft)
实验墓穴。博士Spartak M. Poliakov和Oleg S. Poliakov新的引力效果,produced by means of ferromagnetics and gyroscopes.
人工生物领域的物理系统。亚历山大M. Mishin博士(数据)Ether wind detectionand its properties)
Experiments on Change of the Direction and the Rate of Time.Dr. Vadim A. Chernobrov (Description of Time Machineoperation principles and results of the experiments)
Having chickens can be an excellent and productive relationship, but do you know how to clean a chicken coop properly? Depending on how your enclosure is designed (check out these awesome layouts at Organicchickenfeed.com), it can be daunting trying to figure out how to clean each of the living areas in the coop. If you…
An eco-friendly makeover for your home is an excellent way to reduce your carbon footprint—but make sure your approach is a true “green” approach! Your heart and intentions can be in the right place, but it’s easy to make some common mistakes when trying to choose eco-friendly renovations for your home. In some cases, the…
在我们周围,气候变化正发挥着effect on the planet. Scientists recently announced that the oceans are hotter than ever before, while wildfires like those in Australia are expected to become commonplace. Everyone needs to make a difference. There are 100 companies that contribute 71 percent of the world’s emissions. While these…