
Military Medical Operations Office
December 1999



DU is useful in kinetic-energy penetrator munitions as it is also pyrophoric and literally ignites and sharpens under the extreme pressures and temperatures generated by impact. (The fact that tungsten penetrators do not sharpen on impact—but in fact mushroom—is one reason they are less effective for overcoming armor.) As the penetrator enters the crew compartment of the target vehicle, it brings with it a spray of molten metal as well as shards of both penetrator and vehicle armor (spall), any of which can cause secondary explosions in stored ammunition.


Wounds that contain DU may develop cystic lesions that solubilize and allow the absorption of the uranium metal. This was demonstrated in veterans of the Persian Gulf War who were wounded by DU fragments. Studies in scientific models have demonstrated that uranium will slowly be distributed systemically with primary deposition in the bone and kidneys from these wounds.


DU emits alpha, beta, and weak gamma radiation. Due to the metal’s high density, much of the radiation never reaches the surface of the metal. It is thus “self-shielding.” Uranium-238, thorium-234, and protactinium-234 will be the most abundant isotopes present in a DU-ammunition round and its fragments.

Internalized DU

Internalization of DU through inhalation of particles in dust and smoke, ingestion of particles, or wound contamination present potential radiological and toxicological risks. Single exposures of 1 to 3 µg of uranium per gram of kidney can cause irreparable damage to the kidneys. Skeletal and renal deposition of uranium occurs from implanted DU fragments. The toxic level for long-term chronic exposure to internal uranium metal is unknown, but no renal damage has been documented to date in test models or Gulf War casualties.

重金属的危害可能更有积极ant than the radiological hazards. For insoluble compounds, the ingestion hazards are minimal because most of the uranium will be passed through the gastrointestinal tract unchanged. This may not be the case with inhaled DU, as heavy metal may be its primary damaging modality. The normally issued chemical protective mask will provide excellent protection against both inhalation and ingestion of DU particles.

Intact DU rounds and armor are packaged to provide sufficient shielding to stop the beta and alpha radiations. Gamma-radiation exposure is minimal; crew exposures could exceed limits for the U.S. general population (1 mSv) after several months of continuous operations in an armored vehicle completely loaded with DU munitions. The maximum annual exposure allowed for U.S. radiation workers is 50 mSv. Collection of expended DU munitions and fragments as souvenirs cannot be allowed.




All fragments greater than 1 cm in diameter should be removed if the surgical procedure is practical. Extensive surgery solely to remove DU fragments is NOT indicated. If DU contamination is suspected, the wound should be thoroughly flushed with irrigating solution.

如果发生伤口愈合后,如果发生了DU片段,则应注意不破坏可能封装DU片段的伪变性。在实验研究中,该囊肿填充有可溶性 - 铀液。胶囊组织通常牢固地粘附在剩余的金属片段中。