
技术论文是从雷克斯研究中获得的,并通过Bruce A. Perreault于12-06-99编辑


已知K-Capture戒除了巨大的能量,但没有人发现了一种控制能量的方法。K-Capture Generator对此作出,并且可能被证明是发现最伟大的能量之一。

Unshielded, it does emit x-ray particles.



一个单元测量大约2'x 2'x 6',但在将组件零件装配在一起时,也可以通过使用不同的配置来进行更小。

On a standard basis, the unit normally supplies 5kw of AC power and 45kw of DC power. This can be altered by the use of external inverters, transformers, etc.

It is estimated that under normal conditions that the fuel used will last over one-million years. However, since it does use other non moving components, it is expected to have malfunctions in such things as computer controls, diodes, capacitors, etc. When this occurs replacement would be required and the unit would have to be restarted.


The theory herein described is used as a power source by creating a radio nuclide by K-capture.

The process to reach this goal is initiated by producing a high intensity ultra-violet burst to cause an irregular condition where the K electrons in lithium isotope-6, creates a condition where K-capture is possible.

The ultra-violet burst is produced with a nitrogen laser. It has been known for some time that a high voltage discharge and high current electric discharge in nitrogen gas will generate a pulse of coherent radiation at 3,371 angstroms. The laser action encounters an electron moving in the discharge, absorbing its energy. The encounter leaves the molecule in an unstable state. It usually falls to a state of lower energy by emitting a photon at 3,371 angstroms.


The process continues as long as there are excited molecules along the path. The process soon stops because when a large number of molecules are excited, they wil1 begin to cascade at random to lower states of energy.




An appropriate switching mechanism that can handle tens of thousands of amperes within nanoseconds turns out to be quite simple both in principle and in construction.






所描述的现象被电子捕获称为衰减。通常来自K水平或第一量子水平的电子被捕获,对于这种电子可能在核附近找到;因此,通常采用表达k电子捕获或k捕获。虽然它们不常见,但从第二量子级捕获的电子情况下捕获的电子情况并不未知。1936年,日本数学物理学家H. Yukawa和S. Sakata预测了电​​子捕获的可能性。1938年,L. W. Alvarez在美国获得了现实证明。



当锂-6原子遇到紫外线光子加入足够的能量以引起k捕获时,其原子数被改变并成为氦-6原子。Helium-6是具有β发射的3.58 meV的无线电核素。除了氦的特征X射线之外,没有存在其他辐射。




Bruce A. Perreault edited this article for clarity. He has not seen this device working. However, he did speak with a person at the 1998 Exotic Research Conference from Utah who had claimed to have built this type of device with a few of his associates. This guy stated that they did not know how to convert the x-rays to electricity. He said that the device was very dangerous and hard to control. It was also stated to have wiped out computer hard-drives within a few blocks of the operating device. This posted article seems to answer the conversion problem.