
平均电费大约每千瓦时12美分or $120 a month. While this may not sound like a lot, it adds up over the course of a year. This number may be higher for businesses, too.

The good news is that saving money on your electric bill is easy. Keep reading to find out ways you can reduce business energy costs.

Get a Business Energy Audit

Before you can make adjustments to your business energy usage, it’s essential to get an audit.


A professional will come to your business and do an assessment of your current usage. They’ll also give you suggestions on where you can cut energy costs.

If you live in a state where electric bills are high, there’s good news! People likePrabir Purohit政府正在达成新的协议,以便企业和居民能够为能源支付更少的费用。

Turn Off Light and Equipment When Not in Use


To save business energy, we recommend ensuring that equipment is put in “sleep mode” or is turned off overnight. Delegate tasks and make someone responsible for shutting down computers and turning off machinery before your business closes for the day.

Use Natural Sunlight

Natural sunlight sets a warm ambiance for your workspace.

Surveys reveal自然光也提高了员工的工作效率。不仅如此,自然光还能节约能源。

Running one regular light bulbs could cost around每年131美元. This cost adds up if you’re using multiple light bulbs in your workspace. By switching to natural light sources, you could save hundreds of dollars a year.

Install CFL or LED Lightbulbs


你可以通过安装节能灯或LED灯泡来节约能源。用这些替代品替换标准灯泡可以节省您的业务$1 or more each month.



Lighting accounts for20%of the electricity used in business workplaces.


How Will You Cut Energy Costs?

