More thanone-third of homeowners计划在未来两年内改造他们的房屋或部分房屋。如果你是他们中的一员,你打算如何将你家的碳足迹控制在最低限度?

One option is to rethink your home’s flooring. Hardwood floors might be all the rage, but they have a devastating impact on our planet’s lack of trees. Vinyl flooring, on the other hand, can have a similar look without damaging the forests.



The world of vinyl flooring is vast. Do you want sheet vinyl or vinyl tiles?

Do you want them to mimic wood, tile, or other materials? What colors and textures do you want?



Now that you have a picture of what you want, you can start exploring the ever-expanding reach of the web. You can shop anywhere, from big box stores’ sites to specialty shops forvinyl flooring.

Make sure you find out the shipping costs and factor them into your prices as you compare, though.


当你缩小瓷砖选项,你需要factor in the installation costs as well. Installing tile isn’t an easy DIY project everyone can do. If you want your floors to last, you’ll want a professional.

Some tile distributors offer their own installation services. In other cases, you’ll need to hire a contractor.

给你一个主意,乙烯基瓷砖价格约$7 per square footto install. Vinyl sheeting is closer to $3 per square foot. Of course, this varies based on your location and the professional you choose.


4. Investigate Bulk Pricing



Another option is to chat with your friends and family. Does anyone else have a renovation in the plans? Are they considering a similar type of vinyl? If so, they might be willing to combine their order with yours to give you both a discount.

Hunting Down the Best Vinyl Flooring Prices

