The earth’s ozone layer has depleted byas much as 65%in some parts of the world. That massive reduction in natural protection from the sun’s UV rays is a byproduct of rapid pollution, particularly in developing countries like India and China.
While you can’t have much impact on the amount of pollution neighboring countries output, you can take small steps to curb local contributions to the pollution issue.
And do you want to know what one of the lowest hanging fruits are when it comes to helping the environment? Getting rid of your old windows.
Old windows cause a number of direct and indirect issues for our planet. Here are a handful of those issues.
1. Old Windows Block Natural Light
Natural light is a wonderful and organic way to brighten up your living space. As a matter of fact, if you live in a particularly sunny area, you may be able to forgo running your bulbs for the entirety of daylight hours.
This becomes difficult though if you have old windows.
Old windows, especially those that are dual and triple paned, build up fog between their layers over time. This fog can’t be fixed and cuts down on light’s ability to permeate through glass.
2. Your AC Bill Will Skyrocket
One of the biggest offenders when it comes to electrical waste areHVAC systems. During the summer especially, HVAC units can single-handedly cause rolling blackouts across cities.
If your home is well insulated, you’ll be able to run your AC sparingly and still keep it at a good temperature. With old windows though, insulation can be a big problem.
While you may not be able to see “holes” in your windows, over time, the pores in glass start to fracture and open up which leads to cool air finding a way out of your home and hot air finding its way in. The opposite is true during the winter.
If you want to keep your electricity usage in check and your AC bill down to a reasonable cost, having professional organizations likeFirst Place Windowsor other local contractors assess your window’s health is a great place to start.
3. Old Windows Means Less Time at Home
While we all love getting out and about and partaking in occasional consumer splurges, there’s no doubt that buying things, driving around, and crowding our already crowded cities has an impact on the environment’s well-being.
That’s why we advocate that people try to find ways to enjoy themselvesaround their homeswhen possible.
With old windows keeping sunlight out and obstructing your views, you’ll likely feel less inclined to stay indoors which in turn, will increase the size of your carbon footprint.
4. Damaged Property
When your windows are old, they have trouble keeping outdoor elements outdoors. Things like condensation, rain, and other irritants that can damage your furniture will find their way into your house which could lead to the frequent and costly replacement of property.
The more you buy, the more companies will need to produce and the more they’ll need to pull from the planet to source the materials necessary to keep up with demand.
Rather than replacing multiple things as a result of bad windows, we recommend dealing with the source of the issue and just replacing your windows.
5. Less Sleep
好窗户创造奇迹时保持noise from seeping into your home. This window responsibility is especially important at night when you’re trying to sleep.
If you’re noticing your sleep being disrupted by external noise and consequently find yourself spending more time awake with lights on in your bedroom, that’s electricity your bad windows are forcing you to use that you’d otherwise be saving.
Beyond those obvious environmental impacts, bad sleep leads to wasteful and unproductive days which can exacerbate the issue.
6. Reduced Risk of Theft
Not many people think of the environment when they think of theft but, like with most things, theft can cause additional environmental strain.
When things get stolen, property needs to be replaced, police need to be mobilized, and paperwork needs to get filled out. With modern, impact-resistant windows, not only will you find yourself targeted less by criminals but your home will also pose less of an environmental liability.
7. Better Curb Appeal Leads to Better Communities
We get that good curb appeal doesn’t necessarily affect greenhouse gas emissions (at least not in an obvious sense). But on a micro-environmental level, when your home looks great, your neighbors will make an effort to reciprocate by caring for their homes.
Before you know it, your whole community will start to shine which can give way to a much happier existence for everyone.
At the end of the day, caring for the environment is all about creating a great place to live. Moving towards that big ambition by first making your community shine a little brighter is a great idea.
Wrapping Up How Old Windows Affect Your Green Living and Sustainability Goals
Every decision you make has some direct or indirect impact on our planet. Choosing to keep your old windows, as we’ve illustrated, can cause huge environmental ripple effects that you were probably not aware of.
Take what you’ve learned and use it to brighten both your home and the world around you by getting your windows replaced!
For more outstanding tips on how you can better care for the environment,check out additional contenton Nuenergy today!