
Estimating the number of insects is an impossible task.

It’s believed that there are 1,000 forevery one human。Considering that there are 7 billion people in the world, that’s a lot of pests!

Getting rid of these pests when they invade your home often requires professional services. However, using these companies can sometimes be more dangerous than the pests themselves.


Companies Use Banned Pesticides

People have taken larger pest control companies to court over their use of banned pesticides. Anentire family fell illTerminix在2015年使用禁用物质喷洒加勒比海的度假村。

In the settlement, Terminix admitted that they had difficulty regulating some of their branches. Methyl bromide, banned from production and distribution in 2005, was the chemical sprayed.


Pesticides Linked To Various Diseases


害虫控制公司使用的许多产品含有溶血性扰乱化学品。根据,这些甚至是小剂量有害的research by Yale University.


Numerous pesticides are shown to be carcinogenic. Prolonged exposure to certain chemicals increases the癌症的风险,especially if the exposure begins at a young age.

这些有害化学品中的许多都用于喷涂作物,使其比以往任何时候都更重要organic foods

If you find termites or other pests in your home and callNatura害虫控制,你应该问的第一个问题是他们是否使用这些化学品中的任何一种。

Pesticides Harm the Environment

With the rising concern over climate change and animal extinctions, many people are looking for safer ways to eliminate pests.

Traditional pesticides have terrible effects on the environment. They can find their way into the water supply and cause problems for fishes and water based plants. Spraying pesticides around the outside of your home if you’re进入园艺increases this risk.

There are some that even cause damage to the atmosphere of the planet when used in large quantities!

A pesticide named Atrazine could lead to an increase in pests over time. When sprayed, the chemical becomes airborne and impacts the reproductivity of frogs.

Frogs are one of nature’s best defenses against insects. So, any impact on their population can lead to a whole host of problems — including an increase in disease.



Before you hire a company, make sure you look at their practices. Contact them to ask questions. Businesses should be willing to let you know what they use and any potential risks to you.

