pile of garbage in bags

Americans generate over200 million tons垃圾每年。虽然有措施来减少垃圾,增加回收努力,但普通人产生的碳足迹降低超过1000磅的垃圾每年



If you’re looking to ‘green your trash’ and start using more eco-friendly products and practices, here is a complete guide for exactly how to do that.

1。Start by Being Smart with Your Waste Removal

开始改变垃圾习惯的简单方法是更聪明地了解你实际扔掉的东西。例如,某些物品,毒性涂料或轮胎 - 不应该折叠。

There are places where you can正确处理涂料以及汽油,机油等的其他物质。


Composting is a great way to naturally recycle materials back into the earth. (It also makes a great homemade fertilizer!)

Composing is the process of collecting plant-based food products, eggshells, coffee grounds, and other natural things like grass/hair, dust, etc. to create a mixture that will eventually turn into a完全有机肥料


Everyone has junk, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s meant to be trashed. Just like being smart about electronics and other items you physicallycan’t扔掉,垃圾是由有可能重复使用,捐赠或给予其他人分解的物品的物品。



Although you may think you’re recycling correctly, it’s best to double-check with your local government to make sure you’re following all best practices.

You can also search online to learn more aboutwhat can be recycledvs. what can’t. For example, egg cartons that are made from foam/Styrofoam actually can’t be recycled. Neither can red solo cups.


A great way to ‘green your trash’ is to create less trash in the first place.

One of the easiest ways to do this is to implement changes that will help you use fewer materials, for example opting for reusable trash bags over single-use plastic. You can also create art or other DIY projects from old items, or use natural cleaners (like vinegar) rather than buying something in a bottle.


Truthfully, it’s not as hard as you think. The little shifts you make in your day-to-day practices can easily help reduce your personal trash consumption and footprint while increasing the benefit on the environment.
