Garabed T. K. Giragossian earnestly asserts that he has discovered an engine, a ‘free energy generator,’ which will actually perform the miracles of the Arabian Nights and will quite completely revolutionize the world’s affairs and lift civilization to a higher plane. In 1917, he claimed to have a free energy machine. He was one of the early frauds to hide behind conspiracy theory. Woodrow Wilson signed a resolution offering him protection from some kind of conspiracy. After much fanfare, and delaying tactics his machine turned out to be a giant flywheel which was charged up with energy slowly and put out a lot of energy for just a second. In spite of lack of proof of anything significant his followers still bothered the US congress for recognition.
预言的实现图片、符号, and visions of the Bible, descriptive of the coming Age of man’s return to paradise, must without doubt involve discoveries, inventions,. and revolutionary changes in the affairs of mankind, compared with which, those of the present will seem small and insignificant. The providing of food, raiment, and shelter for all of the awakened dead, their uplift out of every kind of weakness, degradation, and degeneracy, their final establishment in the perfect state of the image and likeness of God in, a restored and transformed earth, from which every vestige of the curse, thorn, thistle, and. destructive blight and insect, etc., will have been removed, will necessitate the employment of forces and agencies at present entirely unheard of. Indeed the discoveries and wanders of the coming Age may be equal to and even exceed the wildest dreams and visions contained in many of the stories of fiction, examples of which we find in “The Arabian, Nights.” We read of how Aladdin’s palace was lifted off the ground and whisked many, many miles through the air across the desert and over the mountains by the slaves of the lamp; then, there is the story of “The Magic Carpet of Bagdad”; these being but fantastic figures of the imagination of the novelist have been dismissed by the reader as gigantic impossibilities. yet who will dispute that even now in advance of the Age of the administration of the Kingdom of God there are exhibitions of genius knowledge, and skill from which we see results that only a short time ago could not have been believed. Who could have thought a generation or two ago that man would be able to exercise such control over the forces of nature as to so successfully and safely travel through the air; or that mechanical devices could be produced so that men could speak with one another thousands of miles apart, without wires or any visible connection between, or that the photograph of a man could be taken by the use of a similar device. May not the wonderful productions and discoveries of our day be hints of greater and larger possibilities of the near future?
Claims of a New and Powerful Invention
“Garabed T. K. Giragossian earnestly asserts that he has discovered an engine, a ‘free energy generator,’ which will actually perform the miracles of the Arabian Nights and will quite completely revolutionize the world’s affairs and lift civilization to a higher plane.
“‘In the nature of this force lies, the secret which I have discovered; my invention, is the engine that makes it work. The engine generates electricity in unlimited quantity free of cost. It will do away with the need and use of fuel of any kind. Operating without smoke and without danger of explosion, it is much cheaper and many times lighter than a steam engine of equal size, and can be installed conveniently in any dwelling, warming and illuminating the house, furnishing heat or cooking, freezing water for ice in the refrigerator land driving fans.
“‘With no expense for motive power,’ the inventor continued, ‘every one can afford to drive a car. That item of cost for automobiles and trucks being eliminated, urban populations will rapidly become decentralized, spreading outward.
“‘Garabed in the cellar of each home — if it be thought worth while to have a cellar, when there is no furnace and no fuel to be stored — will ‘Supply, in the form of electricity, all the energy needed for domestic purposes, including the running of the washing machine and sewing machine. The requisite apparatus is simple, portable, almost foolproof and occupies only a small space.
“‘Furnaces, cookstoves that use fuel, fireplaces, pipes to carry heat and all such devices will forever disappear from houses. Petroleum, no longer needed for motive will find other uses. The Garabed will supply free power, as well as light and heat, to every farm and factory.
“‘Steam engines will pass away,’ the inventor asserted, ‘relegated to the junk pile. Future generations will see them only in museums and will look upon them as curiosities.
“飞艇的不久的将来可能会启用keep afloat merely by using electricity, supplied from her engine, to neutralize. the force of gravity. Such a craft can be sufficiently heated to overcome the difficulties of Arctic travel. A Garabed can furnish her with 10,000 horsepower, or as much more as may be desired, so that she can circle the globe several times without being obliged to descend so far as requirement of energy is concerned.
“”将房屋全部和完整地携带更多并与其内容一起拆除一个人的家具和其他物品在一个地方的房子里拆入另一个地方的房子!通过可用于此类运输的自由能源,房屋可以特别用于车轮上的旅行。居住在东方的家庭,并希望在加利福尼亚州度过冬天,将只是对邻居的Au Revoir说“果汁。”
“‘Unlimited free energy should bring about a revival of weaving and other, industries in the home. It should encourage women to take up useful employment which agreeably occupied the time of our grandmothers Automatic looms and other improved apparatus, easy to operate, would help. In urban communities such a revival of household manufacturing might not have much appeal, but, with women in rural districts it ought to gain approval.
“Mr. Giragossian lives in Boston. He is by birth an Armenian, and came to this country in 1891. His invention is the product of more than twenty years’ incessant labor. With no knowledge of machinery he began in a little store that he kept, in Worcester, Mass., to experiment in the construction of ‘a new kind of engine.’ The ‘Garabed’ is the perfected result. It was a long and arduous struggle before that result could be attained;’ but, as he says, ‘some kind of intuition enabled me to grasp the principle.”‘