
An eco-friendly lifestyle doesn’t have to be limited to the inside of your home. There’s now a plethora of solar gadgets you can incorporate into your front or back garden decor.

随着现在的选择数量,这些小工具可以从非常明显的 - 即太阳能电池板 - 更加微妙,以一种伪装这些漂亮的园艺装饰。

所以阅读,发现你如何实现时尚的方式self-sustainable garden与这些有趣的太阳能小工具。


感谢创新提供solar energy companies,先进的太阳能技术小工具已变得越来越多。


它不仅是一个很酷的小工具,可以展示给朋友,但它是超级功能 - 您的花园工具的实用性。当你忙于拉杂草时,Tertill让你覆盖了。

It also means that without having to worry about weeding, you can focus on other important gardening maintenance jobs. The solar panels make it self-sufficient and环保的引导。世界卫生大会t’s not to love?



Its easy-installation feature means that it can very simply be peeled and stuck to any outdoor surface, no tools required. With it being solar powered, it doesn’t need any wiring up either – super convenient!

The light automatically turns on at night, and off at sunrise, and brightens when it senses movement. This eco-friendly alternative to the classic outdoor security light is an absolute must in any garden.


While a little on the kitsch side, this littlesolar owl light当然有可爱的因素。这灯非常适合任何喜欢野生动物的人,并希望将一些羽毛乐趣注入到他们的花园里。


你不必担心保持你的自行车out in your yard anymore. TheEllipse solar bike lockwill ensure they’re safe, whether they’re in proximity to your home out in public.


  • 一个系统,如果您的自行车受到干扰,请提醒您
  • Locking and unlocking with a simple touch of your phone
  • 崩溃和盗窃警报
  • 黑客证明



Never worry about having to replace or keep batteries on hand ever again,这个手电筒太阳能电源,随时准备好了。

Solar Powered Pest Repellent

厌倦了小鼠,蛇等户外害虫破坏了你的蔬菜或花补丁?These sonic expelling devicesoffer a humane solution to your problem.

One of them targets moles,voles和groundhogs专门通过每30秒发出400hz的发出哔哔声,以及振动,即使在2-4周内也会脱离最顽固的救生圈。

So these are just a few cool and useful solar gadgets you can add to your garden to impress your neighbors. Remember to keep checking back for more tips and advice on how to go green!