Through a series of legislative changes, increasing civic activism, and plain old marketing, eco-business ischanging the landscape小企业。几乎每个公司,大小,都有某种产品to cater to consumers interested in conservation and ethical consumption.
Whether you’re starting a small business or pivoting your existing business toward eco-friendly practices, it can be a pricey foundation for a business. Due to years of government subsidies and trade deals, the wasteful products and unethical services for businesses can be cheaper then ethical choices.
他们会保证一个额外的75%金额ver $150,000, all to help small businesses get a foothold on starting their companies. See if your local bank or lender participates in this program. You could get all the funding you need through the help of this government program.
2. Business Energy Investment Tax Credit
If your business specializes in industrial, green energy, or the agricultural business, ITCs can help you by subsidizing operation costs. If you employ the use of solar, fuel cells, or windmills, you could qualify. Before you invest in these technologies, check out what the IRS sets for qualifying criteria.
Other systems, including microturbines, geothermal, or combined heat and power systems could get you an additional 10% credit. Green energy solutions可以拯救世界虽然节省了业务的重要创业成本。
如果您有资格,IRS提供了一种表格,以确保您可以获得这些信用。See their website想要查询更多的信息。
For eco-business companies receiving other credits, you may see a reduced amount of credits available. However, the credit will roll over for several years from the first time you put it into service.
This renewable energy grant is better than a tax credit, as you don’t have to put any of your own funding up at the start. If you are eligible for the above ITC and PTC, hold off filing for them until you see if you can get one of these grants.
This grant program could serve as more lucrative to your company than a tax credit. If your eco business can get your design plan looked over and approved by a licensed engineer, you could qualify. If you can also get them a breakdown of what your business will be spending, to the cent, on energy costs, you could end up getting this hefty grant.
With the rise of eco-business, lots of companies and CEOs who’ve done well want to pass the success along. Angel investors who could see a positive return, as well as a social benefit from your company, will take note. If you can put together a plan showing that your project will have a positive environmental impact and yield a profit within the first year or two, you’ll turn heads.
There are venture capitalists around the country who could be interested in your type of eco-business. If you’re near silicon valley or the west coast, see how other successful eco-friendly companies have gotten funding. Perhaps the investor who helped them would see value in your company.
Word of mouth is still the greatest way to promote your business. You could guarantee your loan from people you know as “convertible debt”, meaning that that money will be turned into some sort of percentage or equity. While fundraising isn’t for everyone, it’s how businesses get started.
A little money can go a long way at the start of a business project. It could also prove to bigger banks and lenders that people have faith in your project and get them to sign off on a bigger loan.
当您试图向喜欢的公司申请时,这可能是必不可少的SunWise Capital谁为具有特殊信用历史的人提供贷款。
7. Working With Nonprofits
If you’re an inventor who could use help putting your project together, you could get smart and talented workers for at a reduced cost. People who have disabilities, returning citizens, and socially disadvantaged people could also benefit from the leg up your job could provide.
Start Your Eco Business Off Right
如果你是第一次生意,你不想go deep into debt trying to do the right thing. The socially and environmentally conscious elements of your company should be a selling point, not a burden.
If you’re still thinking of the right path toward funding your eco business,contact us对于更多提示。