去年, the global electric car fleet超过五百万。这是上一年的200万美元。电动汽车的环境效益很多。还有其他绿色相关因素也看。这是下降。
Electric Car Batteries
Questions have been raised about the pollution behind the making of the lithium batteries needed to power electric vehicles.
There are some rare metals that are foundinside of a lithium battery。他们的提取可以有助于碳排放。
The Environmental Benefits of Electric Cars
There is a stark contrast between emissions from electric cars and gasoline-powered cars.
与在化石燃料上运行的车辆相比,EVS对其终身的排放远远较低。那是无论源头that generates the electricity to power them.
Debunking the Myths
However, many electrical grids which power EVs are moving toward reducing their reliance on fossil fuels. At the same time, they’re increasing renewable energy production.
Improved Manufacturing
Better energy storage in batteries means you can now drive EVs further without having to recharge. Many people though use their vehicles for short commutes. This reduces the need for bigger charge capacities in the battery.
It still takes energy to manufacture the batteries for electric vehicles as well as the cars themselves. However, this is easily offset by the lack of carbon dioxide they emit during their lifetime on the road.
The environmental benefits of electric cars make them the vehicles of the future. Continue reading more related articles in our ‘ Green Transportation’ section.