发明人:T.H. Moray(Thomas Moray)
Current U.S. Classification: 600/2; 361/232; 607/3

Filing date: Apr 30, 1943





第二-.—To augment the therapeutic effect of radioactive and other types of electronic and radiation phenomena by the conjoint use of high potential, high frequency electricity, and, conversely, to augment the therapeutic effect of high frequency, high potential electricity by the conjoint use of radioactive and other types of electronic and radiation phenomena.

Third, - 在没有燃烧的危险或以其他方式伤害患者的情况下实现上述内容。


Fifth。—To provide novel electronic and radioactive devices especially adapted for use in conjunction with high potential, high frequency electrical therapy.

我发现,hy包络病人嗨gh potential, high frequency electrical field in such a manner that no closed circuit is completed through his body, radioactive and other electronic and radiation phenomena can be used therapeutically with considerably greater effectiveness than if used alone. The exact reason for this is not known, nor is it known definitely which, the electric field or the radioactive phenomena, acts upon the other to produce the advantageous results. It is thought, however, that the electric field, permeating the body of the patient as it does, attracts the radioactive emanations or radiations and enables them to penetrate considerably deeper into the tissues and vital organs of the patient than would otherwise be the case. In any event, remarkable therapeutic results have been achieved by use of the invention in the treatment of malignant tumors, arthritis, sinus infections, and various other diseased conditions.




Fig. 2, a top plan view of the novel corona regulator of Fig. 1, employed in. the circuit to control and adjust the current and as a governor to safeguard the transformer; Fig. 3, a vertical section taken on the line 3—3, Fig. 2; Fig. 4, a vertical section taken centrally through one novel type of discharge tube used as a treatment electrode in the apparatus of Fig. 1; Fig. 5, a horizontal section taken on the line 5—5; Fig. 4; Fig: 6; a vertical section taken centrally through another novel type of discharge tube used as: a treatment electrode in the apparatus of Fig. 1; Fig. 7, a: horizontal section taken on the line T— 7, Fig. 6; Fig. 8, a vertical section taken centrally through a novel discharge tube used as a treating device in the apparatus of Fig. 1; Fig. 9, a horizontal section taken on the line 9—9, Fig. 8; Fig. 10, a fragmentary vertical section taken on the line 10—10, Figs. 8 and 9; Fig. 11, a fragmentary view in vertical section, and drawn to a reduced scale, of a tub bath capable of use as a treatment station in the apparatus of Fig. 1; Fig. 12, a view similar to that of Fig. 11, but showing a shower or vapor bath arrangement for the same purpose; Fig. 13, a wiring diagram similar to that illustrated in Fig. 1, but fragmentary in nature, and of a somewhat different embodiment of apparatus; Fig. 14, an elevation, partly in central vertical section, of a novel tube used in the apparatus of Fig. 13 in place of the corona regulator of Figs. 2 and 3; Fig. 15, a top plan view, partly in horizontal section on the line 15—15, Fig. 14, of the tube of Fig. 14; Fig. 16, a vertical section of another novel tube which may be used in place of the tube of Figs. 14 and 15; Fig. 17, a vertical section taken on the line IT—IT Of Fig. 16; Fig. 18, a top plan view of still another novel tube which may be used in place of the tubes of Figs. 14 and 15 and of Figs. 16 and 17; and Fig. 19, a vertical section taken on the line 19—19 of Fig. 18.


