Chernetsky…The Discoverer of Vacuum Plasma Energy

在莫斯科乔治·普莱克汉诺夫国民经济研究所的亚历山大Chernetsky(AKA Chernetskii,ернецкий)制定了可将真空等离子体能量转化为电力的等离子体发生器。这种发电机可以提供未来的环境良性电力。

Chernetsky教授,研究论文关于等离子诊断设备的作者已经在这一领域40年,并创造了20多个发明。在70年代初,他和研究员 - 研究员Yuri Galkin在基本上新型的高频等离子体发生器上工作,可以给出比它消耗的能量大的电力大约五倍。


The self-generating discharge emerges when the discharge current reaches a definite critical density. Magnetic fields are created that ensure magnetization of the plasma electrons and then cycloid movements are displayed.

The interaction of cycloid currents with the magnetic field forces the electrons to deviate to the cylinder- shaped discharge axis and the electrical field emerges.

This proves that the physical vacuum is switched on. In this field the vacuum is polarized and consequently virtual ion pairs begin to move in a definite direction, instead of chaotically. The virtual positrons accelerate plasma electrons, giving them part of their energy.

The current in the circuit builds up in a capacitor and the additional energy is discharged through a resistor by the discharge circuit. Clearly, only part of the tremendous vacuum energy is extracted.



Chernetsky envisioned a world of unlimited energy – energized by the unleashed power provided by his vacuum tubes.

Chernetsky Spark设备

Dr Chernetski demonstrated a device which showed enough excess energy to burn out a power station which it was connected to in a test. It was based around a spark discharge in low pressure hydrogen. Dr Chernetski was then killed in a car accident and his worked taken no further.


Alex Frolov博士复制了Chernetsky的Spark设备
Circuit Diagram


