Nikola Tesla: Pioneer of Green Energy At the turn of the last century, a prolific inventor registered patents for a revolutionary energy device designed to convert natural cosmic energy into electricity. Nikola Tesla was born in Serbia in 1956 and emigrated to the U. S. in 1884. There, he started out working for fellow inventor…
阅读更多Bruce A. Perreault首先,要了解我们如何将辐射能量转化为电力,我们必须明白,它是核科学初期常用的术语,以描述从原子解体产生的能量对男人或女士的事情......
阅读更多T. H. Moray辐射能量管虽然最近在印刷机中获得了更多关注,但搜索免费的可再生能源并不是一种新的努力。当他设计了一种能量设备以利用MetafReaquency振荡时,亨利海莱博士一直在20世纪初开始返回这项研究。
阅读更多Inventor: Bruce A. Perreault References Cited: U.S. PATENT DOCUMENT Number Name Date US5,932,367 Collien et al………….Aug. 3, 1999 Other References Photo Actinia Oxygen Therapy Electric Reaction by T.H. Moray (1959) Direct Conversion of Energy (1964), by William R. Corliss pp. 28-29 ABSTRACT A method is disclosed for generating electrical energy with ozone gas. The invention…
阅读更多For Beyond the Light Rays Lies the Secret of the Universe The Evolution and Transmutation of the Atom Compiled for the Layman from Excerpts of the Writings of DR. T. HENRY MORAY RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH The Words “Radiant Energy” and “Dr. Moray” have been synonymous for the past twenty years. The reader…