A magnetic motor (or magnetic energy generator) can provide electricity without having to use fuel. To understand what a magnet motor free energy generator is and if they even work, we should first take a closer look at the specifics of energy and what a generator is capable of doing.
阅读更多MEDICAL MANAGEMENT OF RADIOLOGICAL CASUALTIES HANDBOOK Military Medical Operations Office Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute Bethesda, Maryland 20889–5603 http://www.afrri.usuhs.mil December 1999 DEPLETED URANIUM Depleted uranium (DU) is neither a radiological nor chemical threat. It is not a weapon of mass destruction. It is contained in this manual for medical treatment issues. DU is defined as…
阅读更多用于利用电磁辐射和大气电力的改进装置的改进和有关用于传输和产生功率231,247的改进装置。奥兰多,S. 1月3日,1924年1月3日。空中等辐射和接收导体。 - 电磁波形式的能量或乙醚中的静电电荷被吸收BV或从金属导体网络辐射......
阅读更多Free Energy Common Thread by Bruce A. Perreault There appears to be a common thread shared between several alternative energy devices. It is the pre-glow discharge. The report on the Hans Coler device released by the British Government indicates that there is excess energy released when electrical contacts are opened and closed. The Lester Hendershot device utilized a buzzer…
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阅读更多THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER Some most interesting facts regarding the effects of Radium on wireless telegraph receiving apparatus have been given recently by E. Bemier, a German scientist. On the results of Szilard with radium-coated lightning conductors becoming known to the author he was led to consider the possibility that radium might exert some effect upon…
阅读更多在所有自然现象的根源中都是电子,在不断运动中。驱动我们的机器,无线电波,光线的强大电流在底部但电子运动。我们的电器原子宇宙由William Grunstein,E. E.我们被告知,两名德国科学家最近成功地转变为汞进入......