It is expected that by2021超过60%of new building projects will be striving for green building.

Now, this doesn’t mean that the building will be green in color. ‘Green’ means that the materials and processes used in the building are sourced using less wasteful techniques, or the building was designed using features that will use less energy, for example, a green roof.


What Has Gone Green?




为生态友好的房屋来说,下一个最好的事情就是考虑绝缘。绝缘绝缘的家庭将更加一致地保持房屋的温度。它还将防止泄漏和问题。重要的是,在建立环保房屋时,您可以使用您可以信任的服务,如JWS Construction LLC. The better insulated you are, the cozier your home will feel.


Did you know you can garden on the roof?

A green roof is a great way to grow things with minimal effort. It also helps to keep your home cool. By growing vegetation, plants or other things on the top of a roof, the eco-friendly houses will be taking in less sunlight because the vegetation will be using it, and instead of a dead zone, new life will take over making it better for the entire surrounding ecosystem.


Going Green

Are you asking yourself, what about solar panels, windows, and fixtures?

Well, all of the above and more can be made green! Eco-friendly houses are no longer just for the eccentric or insanely wealthy, an eco-friendly house could even save you money down the line. With less energy consumption, fewer materials to replace, and the ability to grow your own food on your house the options are unlimited. Eco-friendly houses allow you to build the home of your dreams, with the lifestyle you have always dreamed of around it.
