In an effort to be more eco-conscious, many people are adopting the no-waste lifestyle with gusto. This means they try and do all they can to reduce or eliminate the amount of waste they create.
Meal-Plan and Cook
Roughly one-third of the world’s food – 1.3 billion tonnes – is lost or wasted every single year. That’s a pretty shocking statistic, considering that global hunger affects over8.15万全世界的人。
To reduce your food waste, the first thing to do is start cooking your own food. Buying fresh and whole ingredients and cooking from scratch will help you look and feel better, but that’s not all.
Once you start cooking for yourself, you automatically start generating more organic waste. But our earth is downright marvelous, and it’s able to put your mounds of vegetable peels to good use in the garden.
堆肥和eco-friendly gardening一般而言,让您回馈环境,将该有机废物转化为清洁的绿色土壤和空气。
Bring in Reusable Containers, Cutlery and Crockery
To avoid adding to the garbage mountain, invest in either melamine, tin, wood or enamelware. Keep an enamel plate, and some cutlery in your car or handbag so you can skip the disposable stuff. And take a reusable flask to your local coffee shop – you may even get some money off your beverage as a result.
Reduce Your Plastic Usage
Plastic, in general, is seriously bad for the environment. It’s hard to dispose of, releases harmful chemicals when it melts, and is amenace to sea-life。Most plastics aren’t bio-degradable, and those that are can take over 400 years to break down.
With that in mind, skip the plastic. Take along reusable shopping bags and totes when grocery shopping, and use sustainable materials wherever possible.
Not only does bulk-buying your groceries and supplies save you heaps of money, but it reduces the waste you generate, too.
Fewer individually-wrapped items result in less packaging and an emptier trash can. Bulk-purchasing also helps fill up your refrigerator and freezer, whichlowers running costs和减少浪费能源。
Cloth Diapers for the Baba
For the parents among us, there’s no denying that a baby is a cute, cuddly poop-machine. Add to that the fact a single disposable diaper takes up to 500 years to break down in a landfill, and our babies are unwittingly generating serious waste, one poop at a time (no pun intended).
布料尿布are a game-changer. Not only do they dramatically reduce our generated waste, but they’re also better for baby, can reduce diaper rash, are more convenient and will save you heaps of money.
There’s a reason your mom and grandma still have some of the same clothes you saw them in when you were a kid. Until relatively recently, it was the norm to buy quality clothing.
选择自然,耐用的可持续的纺织品如棉,羊毛和皮革。这些对环境的影响很低,可以给你几年 - 甚至数十年 - 在表现出佩戴迹象之前,甚至是忠实的使用。
Repair and Reuse
Darn socks, sew up holes, repair cracks, and chips, and upcycle your furniture to make it like new. Odd pieces of crockery can be made into an eclectic new set or can be repurposed to create light fittings, storage pots or cake stands.
If your kitchen is starting to get that ‘faded glory’ look, a lick of paint and pretty door handles can give it a new lease of life that could last for years, and save you a trip (or several) to the garbage dump.
Buy Only What You Need
这种似乎是一个毫无意义的人,但重要的是要记住零废物生活是一种心态。在我们面前的几代人被带到非常少,并且不得不做得更少。不幸的是,这是翻译成他们的孩子和孙子 - 我们 - 购买东西,直到它出现耳朵。
Electricity and energy consumption contributes to air pollution and waste. By being mindful of our energy usage, we can lower our carbon footprint and save money in the process.
That translates to how we get around, too. Walking is the most carbon-neutral way to get around, with riding a push-bike coming a close second, and public transportation is preferable to a car.
If you do use a vehicle, think about your errands and plan your route to use as little fuel as possible. This leads to less air pollution and fewer trips to the gas station for you.
You Can Start Living a No-Waste Lifestyle
由于我们的星球遭受了糟糕的管理影响,因此更环保的生活有助于照顾环境,并将其护理回归健康。如果你想住在一个更加环保的家中,请查看我们的5 green renovation tips那会有所帮助。