
You’re laying in bed when all of a sudden you hear the garbage truck. It’s trash day and you forgot to put your cans, again.

What do you do? If you’re like the rest of us, you scramble to get out of bed, because you can’t afford to let your garbage pile build-up anymore.

Every year Americans contribute over2500万吨of garbage to the world. If you’re tired of looking at growing trash mounds in your house, or you want to help the planet, you have to learn how to manage waste at home.

Imagine how different your life would be if you could reduce the trash in your home by 50% or more. Instead of rushing to beat the garbage truck, you could lay back in bed, knowing you can afford to wait until next week.

Are you ready to be less trashy? Read on to learn about the simplest ways to manage trash.


Learning how to manage waste, is all about finding simple ways you can cut down on your trash contribution right now. For instance, do you use plastic bags for your grocery shopping?

A small, and easy step you can take, is to start using cloth bags instead of plastic. You’ll soon find that you’ll begin using your bags for all sorts of things that aren’t even related to grocery shopping. Clothes, household items, pet needs, all can benefit from cloth bags.

When you cut plastic bags out of your life, you’ll instantly reduce the amount of garbage you bring it to your home. We suggest buying more than one reusable cloth bag, or insulated bag, and storing them in your kitchen. After you get comfortable using the new bags, you can begincomposting at home也。

Less Packaging Is Better

Ready for another easy way to reduce waste that you probably didn’t think about? Start paying attention to the packaging on your food.

Here are a few tips to buy food with less packaging:

  • Buy food in bulk
  • Choose brands that use less packaging
  • 在散装中购买家居用品
  • Avoid microwave dinners
  • Find dairy items with returnable containers
  • 去农民的市场

The next time you go grocery shopping, pay close attention to the packaging your food is in. When you open a food item at home, notice how many bags within bags there are. For example, a lot of food items that have single-serving sizes will individually wrap each serving.

Cutout Microwave Dinners



接下来,您还可以找到允许的乳品企业you to bring back the containers. Finally, when all else fails, try buying the majority of your groceries at local farmer’s markets. You’ll be supporting your community, while also cutting down on the amount of packaging for your food.

Reuse Durable Containers

A big part of reducing waste is finding multipurpose uses for everyday items. Durable containers are a great place to start. When you’re throwing things away, keep the sturdy containers that are durable enough to reuse.


  • Bottles
  • Boxes
  • 玻璃容器
  • Plastic containers
  • Paper bags


Print on Both Sides

If you have a printer, you should be reusing the paper by printing things on both sides. For kids, have them do their arts and crafts on the back of any printed paper that you don’t need.


Anytime you come into contact with a sturdy glass container that doesn’t contain any dangerous chemicals, keep it for storing food. Plastic containers also work great for storing food, however, they’ll have less shelf life. Over time, plastic does start to break down and can leak chemicals into your food.

Avoid Bottled Drinks







Instead, try to find ways to go paperless with all the company’s you have business with. Bills, bank statements, health insurance, are all notices you can have sent electronically by email. If you like reading the newspaper or magazines, consider reading them online.

Do you get a lot of junk mail? If so, take the necessary steps to unsubscribe yourself from their mailing list.


Feel Good About Your Trash

You should be proud of yourself for taking the time to learn how to manage waste in your home. The world needs environmentally savvy people like you to help keep things beautiful.
