你知道人类可能有很少的剩下10年to make major changes before the environment reaches a critical tipping point?

Although this figure is startling, the good news is that there are plenty of cities around the world that are taking this crisis seriously. By implementing new technology and cleaner policies, these cities are able to make big cuts in their carbon emissions.

Do you want to travel to some of the most sustainable cities in the world? Keep reading to learn about the 5 most eco-friendly cities and what they’re doing to defeat climate change.

1。Copenhagen, Denmark

哥本哈根是世界上环球环保城市之一,有很多原因。对于初学者来说,一个惊人的事实是哥本哈根有more bikes than cars。这是日常公民如何在一起的典范,以使空气污染令人难以置信的差异。

In addition, this city is also exploring all kinds of alternative forms of energy, such as wind and solar. Since Copenhagen treasures the environment, it should come as no surprise to learn that organic food and an abundance of parks are normal features of their society.

2. Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm also deserves the title as one of the top green cities for similar reasons. Since Sweden and Denmark are neighboring countries, it makes sense that the two nations would have similar attitudes toward environmental topics.

除了实施清洁能源和保留自然景观,还有较长数量的斯德哥尔摩素食主义者。自从animal agricultureis one of the worst offenders for global warming, you can feel great supporting a city that’s devoted to making a green lifestyle accessible and delicious.


Singapore is arguably the most sustainable city-state in all of Asia. What sets Singapore apart from other countries is their refined methods for recycling as much water as possible to prevent shortages.

新加坡也有高雄心壮志,成为2030年代的80%。他们将通过纳入更多的绿色技术来实现这样的绿色技术solar powered trash compactorand building more self-sustainable apartment layouts.


Portland has always had the title of one of the most environmentally-friendly cities in America. Portland has a laid-back vibe where everyone rides their bikes and eats veggie burgers. This city is also taking major steps to ban single-use plastics and maintain their large amounts of green landscapes.


温哥华目前的目标是至少保证93%的能量comes from renewable resources, chiefly hydroelectricity. Since people have learned how challenging it is to minimize waste, the citizens of Vancouver are coming up with clever ways to recycle. For example, methane gas produced by sewers and landfills is being repurposed as energy to heat homes.



Do you want to know other ways you can adopt a greener lifestyle? Explore our site to find more helpful tips and guides.