environmental trends

Montana is the fourth biggest state in America, but itranks 44th in population. 尽管有郁郁葱葱的开阔景观和这些小的人口,这个州正在经历许多新的环境趋势。



Like most states, Montana goes through stretches of dry warm weather followed by rain. However, lately, Montana has been experiencing fewer rainfalls, which has local environmentalists concerned about droughts.





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三.Risk for Birds



4.Improved Recycling Rates

Not all of the environmental trends in Montana are bad. In recent years, Montana has improved it’s recycling rates immensely.

Montana has always been a state conscientious of its exquisite nature. It’s full of rich resources and can be described as nature’s playground.

It’s no surprise then that the people that are attracted to it want to keep it that way.

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5. Deer Populations in Sharp Decline

The last trend to highlight is the decline of the deer population. Since 2004 Montana’s deer and elk numbers have been decreasing.

This is concerning for many of Montana’s seasonal hunters. Hunting is not necessarily bad on the environment. In fact, check out howethical hunting impacts the planet.


What are the Environmental Trends in Your State?

Montana is one of the most stunning places in the United States. However, like most beautiful things it needs to be protected.

Understanding the trends in this state will help lawmakers and citizens to better sustain it. It’s also important for you to know and understand the environmental trends in your state.

Get involved outdoors and in the area. While one person may seem small, they can have a great impact on their community and the world.
