Moving to a new home creates an opportunity for fresh eco friendly house ideas and lofty renovations. The home has yet to accumulate tons of items making it easier to work on these smart projects.
Five Eco Friendly House Ideas for the New Home
以下生态友好的房子想法呈现了一种拯救的被动方式average $114.09 residential power bill。他们还有助于环境可持续性 - 赢得胜利。
The first day is a great time to leverage搬运工to organize boxes and furniture. This will give access to areas of the home which you’ll tweak and fix to improve energy efficiency.
- 用于改进气流的清洁管道
- Applying reflective window film to manage heat & cold
- Adjusting water flow via aerators and temp of water heater
一项研究绿色屋顶传热by Carnegie Mellon University on the use of vegetation atop the Hamerchlag Hall found a 26% reduction of heat in heating months. The consensus being green roofing to be a significant benefit to both city/community and private owners.
添加一个绿色屋顶以声音开始,reinforced structure to support the new weight. A thin layer of gravel, wood chips, compost, and soil sit atop a liner (and optional insulation) to provide drainage and growing environment.
Plants like moss and thyme are great choices for vegetation.
Magnetic Generators
A magnetic generator uses magnets and copper coils to generate clean electricity. Generators are an especially helpful addition to a new home to help with both handling power outages and reducing utility bills.
磁力发电机背后的技术继续发展100% free energy。尚不实现100%的效率,但它可以到达那里,可用于100美元 - 200美元的实验价格。
谁曾经认为磁铁会落入alternative energycategory?
Eco Friendly Furniture & Accents
The development of this type of furniture use a variety of eco friendly elements:
- Sustainable sources of wood
- Reclaimed materials
- 再生金属和塑料
- 耐久性和定位性
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