1. Reduce Pollution
Runoff is one of the主要污染源对于河流,湖泊和溪流。在未开发的地区,径流仍然有限,因为生态系统可以吸收雨水和雨水。在发达地区,道路,混凝土等无孔表面中,防止这种自然吸收。
Collecting rainwater helps reduce pollution by reducing the amount of runoff in your area.
美国水资源基础设施既旧又腐朽。未来几十年水基础设施的估计维修和维护成本exceed $1 trillion.
采用雨水收集减少dependence on the water infrastructure. It also reduces, in some small way, the strain on that water system.
The cost of water varies tremendously across the nation. While water costs soar in places like Southern California, the costs often remain low in water-rich, rural areas of the country. Yet, every gallon you get from the utility company costs you something.
A rainwater collection system helps you cut that bill by redirecting rainwater into toilet or irrigation systems. Not sure what a rainwater collection system means for you home? You can阅读更多here and find out.
Unlike city water, you can use your collected rainwater however you see fit. That means you can keep your garden growing even while neighbors lawns turn into a brown tundra.
Before you use rainwater for drinking, however, make sure get it tested. The overall level of contamination can vary a lot depending on your location. You’ll also need to maintain a very clean collection system to avoid bacterial growth.
Parting Thoughts on the Benefits of Rainwater
You don’t need a complete lifestyle overhaul to become more eco-friendly. You can embrace the benefits of rainwater collection with a relatively small addition to your home.
You can also enjoy the knowledge that you helped reduce pollution, infrastructure strain, and even cut your water bill a little.