
There are over3.0 million small businesses雇用近一半的员工。小企业对经济产生了巨大影响,但它们也会影响环境。


What Is Green Manufacturing?

When a company works toward reducing its environmental footprint, that’s green manufacturing. It’s also called sustainability. There are several ways a company can do this:

  • Insulation
  • 原子变化
  • 能源评论
  • Bioplastics


原子变化mean making tiny changes with a big impact. Next time you buy lightbulbs, get low-energy bulbs. Use less packaging for less waste.

Look for combination products that combine one part into two. An example of this is the FilterSeals®seal design这都是过滤器和密封。

A basic energy audit identifies areas where you can save money and use fewer resources. Identify areas where your company wastes resources like water and electricity. Make changes that reduce waste.

Less waste means big savings over time.

Bioplastics are a new type of plastic made from renewable sources like corn or potatoes.

Business Benefits of Green Manufacturing


1。Reduced Packaging Equals Reduced Costs



Less packaging results in lighter shipments which also lowers costs. The costs per shipment may seem small but over time, they add up to big savings.

3.。New Customers


Surveys reveal that at least half of all consumers prefer green packaging, and over4.0% will pay more对于那些选择。

4.。Customer Loyalty and Retention

Many consumers now look for companies with higher ecological standards. That means they’ll leave your company if they find one that’s more eco-conscious.

Turning to green manufacturing processes is another way to retain your current customers.


Going green saves your company money in the longterm with lower bills but you might also save on your taxes.


Make Your Company Earth-Friendly

Green manufacturing is the future, and future generations are depending on more eco-friendly technologies and processes. Aim for less packaging and a smaller energy footprint.


You’ll also see reduced costs over time as well as tax breaks for some eco-conscious technologies. Isn’t time to go green?

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