您毫无疑问地看到了电器上的能源之星符号,您甚至可能拥有您家中的一些设备。但是,您是否知道能源之星认证产品已保存超过$450 billion in energy costs(和超过3.5万亿的电力)自1992年推出以来的电力以来?
美国人一直认真打击能量waste in the past few decades, but many of us still face surprisingly high electricity bills each month. Why? Those snazzy, savvy new appliances are all well and good, but it turns out that when it comes to wasting energy, the devil is definitely in the details.
1. Your Filters Are Filthy
While you’re checking the furnace and冷气机过滤器,确保灰尘或吸尘器,返回这些设备上的返回,寄存器,管道和线圈,以保持尖端形状的所有内容以获得最高效率。
2. Your Insulation Is Insufficient
Speaking of efficiency, how does your insulation rate? Go up to your attic and check; if you can see the joists, you don’t have enough insulation. According to Energy Star, the attic should have 10 to 14 inches’ worth.
Remember that heat rises, and if the top of your home isn’t properly insulated, that heat is going to head right out into the atmosphere instead of staying where it belongs, between your four walls.
3. Your Foundation Is Failing
As above, so below. Cracks, gaps, or other signs of wear-and-tear on the bottom of your house can also be culprits if yourenergy bills seem higher than they should be。
4. Your Windows Aren’t Weather Proof
Replacing your windows, if they are old, cracked, or ill-fitting, is another good step to take toward energy savings. Seal up any cracks or gaps with weatherstripping or caulk.
5. Your Doors Are Drafty
6. Your Light Bulbs Are Lacking
It may seem like quibbling to look to your light bulbs for cost- and energy savings, but this small act can actually make a huge difference. We’re talking “70% to 90% more energy efficiency” difference here.
Use LED light bulbs and Energy Star-qualified fixtures. They last longer than incandescents and use much, much less power.
7. Your Appliances Are Ancient
Even if you don’t think that a new appliance is in the budget, remember that you could recoup the cost of a new whatever-needs-replacing within just a few months by choosing wisely.
8. Your Temperature Is Too High (or Too Low)
But turning down the thermostat a few degrees, and bundling up with some extra warm clothes, is really some of the best advice that Dear Old Dad could have given you.
9. Your Thermostat Isn’t Timed
This tip is even more of a no-brainer. Are you air conditioning every room in the house even when no one is home? Or heating it at night, despite the fact that everyone’s snuggled up under cozy, warm covers?
Want to knowhow to green your home? You could look it up on your smartphone or laptop. You could also make sure those devices haven’t turned into vampires.
不,我们不是feeling nostalgic for #TeamEdward。我们正在谈论能量吸血鬼,它吮吸电,而不是血液 - 即使它们没有使用甚至打开!
Small appliances like your microwave, television, game systems, and printer, as well as electronics like your cell phone and tablet, can slurp up electricity if they are plugged in. That’s true even when they are inactive and fully charged.
Wasting Energy: Wrapping Up
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