
超过塑料83亿吨exist in the world and nearly 80 percent of it is stuck laying around in landfills our environment.




For those going out for some eggs, milk, and the like, reusable shopping bags are a must consideration. The environmental harm ofplastic shopping bagsis undeniable.

They kill marine life and many of them go unrecycled.


People love to contribute to a healthy world, and reusable shopping bags make it clear that they’re doing just that.


Unlike plastics, glass is made from sand. This makes it an eco-friendly alternative to plastics and often will make a more aesthetically pleasing container.

Whether it’s a jar, vase, mug, etc., consider bottling or containing your product in glass rather than plastic. Look at the rising popularity of mason jars to see how true this is!


Liquid wood sort of resembles the idea of使用再生木头as its name seems to imply.

It’s a material made from the pulp-based lignin of wood and other materials. Lignin is a renewable resource gathered from paper mills.

Mixing it with water and exposing it to extreme heat and pressure makes liquid wood – or arboform – a strong and eco-friendly alternative to plastic.

#4. Milk Protein


Scientists today are bringing back the idea of making milk protein into a biodegradable thermoplastic, though. It’s similar to the process of塑料热成型在这种意义上,不仅是生态友好但它也是可食用的!


Some people are looking for complete alternatives to plastics. Other people are looking for ways to make plastic better for the environment.


These types of plastics can be used for single-use plastic items like bags and containers.

Beyond Finding Alternatives to Plastic

For people and businesses that want to find more ways to treat our world with respect, finding alternatives to plastic is one great place to start.
